Portrayals of humanoid robots in television series draw heavily from the historical and cultural mythology of robots. This mythology is expressed in two contemporary television series, Almost Human and Humans, in which robots are depicted as closely resembling humans in physical appearance and behavior and as fulfilling social roles usually occupied by humans. The robots are imagined with characteristics associated with human consciousness, such as emotions, individuality, and free will. An analysis of the robots in these series, using Jean-Paul Sartre’s theories of consciousness and the Other, demonstrates that when the robots are depicted as conscious, the relationship between a human and robot is portrayed as one of human-to-human (or hu...
In my thesis, I explore how advanced robotic technologies affect human society and my particular con...
This paper reflects on the culture of human-robot interaction. A review of common concepts in movie...
This paper identifies, and attempts to explain, a lack of diversity in the way that cinema and telev...
Portrayals of humanoid robots in television series draw heavily from the historical and cultural myt...
The theme of the humanoid robot has been entwined with media, literary and audiovisual imagery ever...
Yesterday a fiction, now a reality, the humanoid robot, an intelligent machine designed after the hu...
This presentation identifies, and attempts to explain, a lack of diversity in the way that cinema an...
International audienceEphaïstos was in Ancient Greece the god of robots even if those robots have ma...
We appear to be at a critical juncture where the impetus to procure autonomous systems to address ur...
People are living in relationships not only to other people but also to media, including things and ...
Social roboticists conduct their inquiries out of necessity—every robot they design incorporates and...
This article analyzes the role of animism in the creation and production of humanoid robots. In Jap...
This entry addresses the figure of the robot as it appears across communication theory and robotics:...
This essay examines the debate over the status of sociable robots and relational artifacts through t...
This chapter compares and contrasts the creation of humanoid robots with that of non-humanoid robots...
In my thesis, I explore how advanced robotic technologies affect human society and my particular con...
This paper reflects on the culture of human-robot interaction. A review of common concepts in movie...
This paper identifies, and attempts to explain, a lack of diversity in the way that cinema and telev...
Portrayals of humanoid robots in television series draw heavily from the historical and cultural myt...
The theme of the humanoid robot has been entwined with media, literary and audiovisual imagery ever...
Yesterday a fiction, now a reality, the humanoid robot, an intelligent machine designed after the hu...
This presentation identifies, and attempts to explain, a lack of diversity in the way that cinema an...
International audienceEphaïstos was in Ancient Greece the god of robots even if those robots have ma...
We appear to be at a critical juncture where the impetus to procure autonomous systems to address ur...
People are living in relationships not only to other people but also to media, including things and ...
Social roboticists conduct their inquiries out of necessity—every robot they design incorporates and...
This article analyzes the role of animism in the creation and production of humanoid robots. In Jap...
This entry addresses the figure of the robot as it appears across communication theory and robotics:...
This essay examines the debate over the status of sociable robots and relational artifacts through t...
This chapter compares and contrasts the creation of humanoid robots with that of non-humanoid robots...
In my thesis, I explore how advanced robotic technologies affect human society and my particular con...
This paper reflects on the culture of human-robot interaction. A review of common concepts in movie...
This paper identifies, and attempts to explain, a lack of diversity in the way that cinema and telev...