Anna Keppy, \u2741, declares that the job of county home economists is bigger than ever in wartim
To Iowa State College girls, Home Economics Hall holds within its doors the key to a successful futu...
An exuberant girl in a blue-green 4-H uniform flung her arms around the neck of the young woman stan...
A number of changes have been made in home demonstration agent positions at the beginning of this ye...
The young woman who graduates from college and becomes a h om e demonstration agent steps into a cha...
The spot light of public attention has been turned on the home during the past few years because of ...
The uppermost thought in the minds of 4-H club girls and leaders from now until after the last count...
Iowa State women prove that imagination has a practical side, illustrating their resourcefulness by ...
Home economics women of today, thinking in terms of the dedication of the finest home economics bui...
The first appearance of home management at Iowa State College was in 1916. During the following 10 y...
Veishea is Iowa State College on display. As an all·college exposition it gives an opportunity for t...
It is the aim of the home demonstration work in Falls Community to reach all the people of the commu...
Editor\u27s Note: Lest we forget that not all home economics work is done in high schools and colleg...
Iowa State alums do it by teaching m high schools, editing magazines and giving demonstration
Extra-curricular activities play a major role on the Iowa State campus. Participation in the various...
Anna Keppy, \u2741, declares that the job of county home economists is bigger than ever in wartim
To Iowa State College girls, Home Economics Hall holds within its doors the key to a successful futu...
An exuberant girl in a blue-green 4-H uniform flung her arms around the neck of the young woman stan...
A number of changes have been made in home demonstration agent positions at the beginning of this ye...
The young woman who graduates from college and becomes a h om e demonstration agent steps into a cha...
The spot light of public attention has been turned on the home during the past few years because of ...
The uppermost thought in the minds of 4-H club girls and leaders from now until after the last count...
Iowa State women prove that imagination has a practical side, illustrating their resourcefulness by ...
Home economics women of today, thinking in terms of the dedication of the finest home economics bui...
The first appearance of home management at Iowa State College was in 1916. During the following 10 y...
Veishea is Iowa State College on display. As an all·college exposition it gives an opportunity for t...
It is the aim of the home demonstration work in Falls Community to reach all the people of the commu...
Editor\u27s Note: Lest we forget that not all home economics work is done in high schools and colleg...
Iowa State alums do it by teaching m high schools, editing magazines and giving demonstration
Extra-curricular activities play a major role on the Iowa State campus. Participation in the various...
Anna Keppy, \u2741, declares that the job of county home economists is bigger than ever in wartim
To Iowa State College girls, Home Economics Hall holds within its doors the key to a successful futu...
An exuberant girl in a blue-green 4-H uniform flung her arms around the neck of the young woman stan...