Bakalaura darbā aplūkotas Ķīnas un ASV attiecības 21. gadsimtā saistībā ar Dienvidķīnas jūras reģionu. Darba mērķis ir apskatīt ASV un Ķīnas attiecības caur drošības dilemmas prizmu. Tiks apskatīts drošības dilemmas koncepts, tā attīstības vēsture un veidošanās nosacījumi. Tiks veikta analīze, balstoties uz šī brīža situāciju starp ASV un Ķīnu, noskaidrots, kādā drošības dilemmas posmā ir abu valstu attiecības – pasīvajā, aktivizētajā, akūtajā vai spirālē. Darbā izvirzīta hipotēze: ASV un Ķīnas attiecības ir nonākušas drošības dilemmas drošības dilemmas modeļa pedējā posmā – aktivizētajā drošības dilemmā. Minētā hipotēze pētījuma gaitā apstiprinājās.The main focus of this thesis is the relationship between the United States and China and it...
The ascent of China to a global power status has created a new wave of theoretical discourse on what...
Since the end of the Second World War, the Philippines and the United States of America have had a s...
The article is an attempt to analyze the China-US relationship at the dawn of the third millenium, f...
Competition and conflict in the South China Sea involves many nations due to its resources and vital...
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza poziomu bezpieczeństwa środowiska międzynarodowego ...
The article is devoted to the regional security issues in South East Asia. The author analyses the i...
The countries of Malaysia, Viet Nam and Indonesia are using a hedging strategy to ensure their secur...
ABSTRACTThe happening South China Sea dispute between China and its neighbors has taken globalattent...
While the Philippines and China declared 2012 and 2013 as years of friendly exchanges between the tw...
Sporu o Jihočínské moře je věnována stále větší pozornost. Územní nároky si v něm činí celkem sedm s...
The asymmetric distribution of power in the Asian maritime region is favoring China, increasing the ...
The U.S.-China military space relationship has been driven by the security dilemma in international ...
The countries of Malaysia, Viet Nam and Indonesia are using a hedging strategy to ensure their secur...
Over the past decade, tensions between the United States and the People's Republic of China have inc...
China is increasingly concerned about US policy in the South China Sea. This is perhaps borne out of...
The ascent of China to a global power status has created a new wave of theoretical discourse on what...
Since the end of the Second World War, the Philippines and the United States of America have had a s...
The article is an attempt to analyze the China-US relationship at the dawn of the third millenium, f...
Competition and conflict in the South China Sea involves many nations due to its resources and vital...
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza poziomu bezpieczeństwa środowiska międzynarodowego ...
The article is devoted to the regional security issues in South East Asia. The author analyses the i...
The countries of Malaysia, Viet Nam and Indonesia are using a hedging strategy to ensure their secur...
ABSTRACTThe happening South China Sea dispute between China and its neighbors has taken globalattent...
While the Philippines and China declared 2012 and 2013 as years of friendly exchanges between the tw...
Sporu o Jihočínské moře je věnována stále větší pozornost. Územní nároky si v něm činí celkem sedm s...
The asymmetric distribution of power in the Asian maritime region is favoring China, increasing the ...
The U.S.-China military space relationship has been driven by the security dilemma in international ...
The countries of Malaysia, Viet Nam and Indonesia are using a hedging strategy to ensure their secur...
Over the past decade, tensions between the United States and the People's Republic of China have inc...
China is increasingly concerned about US policy in the South China Sea. This is perhaps borne out of...
The ascent of China to a global power status has created a new wave of theoretical discourse on what...
Since the end of the Second World War, the Philippines and the United States of America have had a s...
The article is an attempt to analyze the China-US relationship at the dawn of the third millenium, f...