Bakalaura darbs pēta britu un amerikāņu humora pragmatisko nozīmi svešvalodas lietotāja skatījumā. Darba mērķis ir analizēt, kā humora sociokulturālais konteksts ietekmē netiešo nozīmi svešvalodas lietotāja skatījumā. Darba teorētiskā daļa aplūko pragmatiku kā lingvistikas nozari ar uzsvaru uz pragmatisko kļūdu, turklāt teorētiskā daļa apskata arī humora konceptu. Darba praktiskā daļa ir sadalīta divos soļos. Pirmkārt, pragmatiskās nozīmes analīze izvēlētos britu un amerikāņu humora piemēros. Un otrkārt, fokusa grupu diskusijas, kur to dalībniekiem tika lūgts izskaidrot pragmatisko nozīmi izvēlētajos piemēros. Rezultāti atklāj, ka svešvalodas lietotāji labāk izprot amerikāņu humoru, jo britu humors pieprasa papildu zināšanas par britu kultū...
International audienceThis study on conversational humour in French and Australian English investiga...
This contribution focuses on the question how humour can be investigated from a linguistic point of ...
Understanding verbal jokes in English is problematic for English as Foreign Language (EFL) readers s...
How are humorous meanings generated and interpreted? Understanding a joke involves knowledge of the ...
Humour is part of human communication and can serve as an effective means for making contact, findin...
This work is a semantic pragmatic study of English jokes, which entails a multi-disciplinary (both l...
In this paper we present a theoretical interpretation of linguistic, cultural, and pragmatic aspects...
The paper explores a variety of ways in which humour is attached to social and cultural contexts. In...
Abstract. Humorous language, as the main form to express humor, is popular in our life. In humorous ...
Attaining a mastery of understanding and using a foreign language includes the ability of grasping t...
Terms like to joke (and joking) and to tease (and teasing) have a curious double life in contrastive...
The article presents the main idea from my recently published book on Danes’ use of humour in profes...
This paper examines the role of laughter in intercultural pragmatics. It takes as its starting point...
Humor is not only a highly valuable tool for pedagogical purposes, it can also help language learner...
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to gain understanding of how young consumers with va...
International audienceThis study on conversational humour in French and Australian English investiga...
This contribution focuses on the question how humour can be investigated from a linguistic point of ...
Understanding verbal jokes in English is problematic for English as Foreign Language (EFL) readers s...
How are humorous meanings generated and interpreted? Understanding a joke involves knowledge of the ...
Humour is part of human communication and can serve as an effective means for making contact, findin...
This work is a semantic pragmatic study of English jokes, which entails a multi-disciplinary (both l...
In this paper we present a theoretical interpretation of linguistic, cultural, and pragmatic aspects...
The paper explores a variety of ways in which humour is attached to social and cultural contexts. In...
Abstract. Humorous language, as the main form to express humor, is popular in our life. In humorous ...
Attaining a mastery of understanding and using a foreign language includes the ability of grasping t...
Terms like to joke (and joking) and to tease (and teasing) have a curious double life in contrastive...
The article presents the main idea from my recently published book on Danes’ use of humour in profes...
This paper examines the role of laughter in intercultural pragmatics. It takes as its starting point...
Humor is not only a highly valuable tool for pedagogical purposes, it can also help language learner...
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to gain understanding of how young consumers with va...
International audienceThis study on conversational humour in French and Australian English investiga...
This contribution focuses on the question how humour can be investigated from a linguistic point of ...
Understanding verbal jokes in English is problematic for English as Foreign Language (EFL) readers s...