Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Krievijas lēmums iesaistīties Sīrijas konfliktā: konstruktīvisma pieeja”. Kā pētījuma problēma darbā skatīti Krievijas motīvi iesaistīties Sīrijas konfliktā, bet mērķis ir noskaidrot, kā pieeja skaidro Krievijas iemeslus iesaistīties konfliktā. Darbam tika izvirzīti arī sekojoši uzdevumi: konstruktīvisma pieejas un identitāšu aplūkošana, Krievijas ārpolitikas diskursa analīze, Sīrijas konflikta aplūkošana, konstruktīvisma pieejas piemērošana Krievijas lēmuma izskaidrošanai. Darba teorētiskā bāze balstās konstruktīvisma pieejā, kā arī darbā tiek izmantotas kvalitatīvās metodes – diskursa analīze un gadījuma izpēte. Darba rezultāti liecina par to, ka Krievija ar intervenci centās pierādīt savas lomu identitātes, kā l...
The research aimed to investigate the Russian intervention strategy in Syria. Therefore the research...
Humanitární krize v Sýrii je největší humanitární krizí od dob druhé světové války. Tento konflikt v...
Syria is one of the countries in the Middle East who suffered jQitical turmoil caused by the impact ...
Maģistra darbā tiek aplūkota Krievijas iesaiste Sīrijas krīzes atrisināšanā, kas valstī notiek kopš ...
Mirne pobune protiv sirijskog predsjednika koje su započele 2011. s vremenom su prerasle u oružani s...
After about 40 years of dictatorship of the Assad family the people of Syria were fed up and at the ...
The thesis tries to answer 2 questions: what actually motivated Russia to carry out military interve...
Bu tez çalışması Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin Sosyal İnşacılık Kuramı Bağlamında Dış Politika uygu...
This research analyzes the potential impact of humanitarian interventions executed by the foreign st...
Literature on Syria’s conflict are a washed with efforts of different parties, countries and organis...
Over the past few decades, the Middle East has been an arena in which the great powers of the world ...
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Turcijas militārā intervence Sīrijā 2016. gadā”. Darbā tiek aplūkota Turcij...
Since the collapse of the USSR, Syria has remained to be center of Russian Middle East foreign polic...
Under 2011 så utbröt det våldsamma oroligheter i Libyen och Syrien med många civila offer. FN:s säke...
The civil war in Syria has become a culmination of the Arab Spring, which transformed into a complex...
The research aimed to investigate the Russian intervention strategy in Syria. Therefore the research...
Humanitární krize v Sýrii je největší humanitární krizí od dob druhé světové války. Tento konflikt v...
Syria is one of the countries in the Middle East who suffered jQitical turmoil caused by the impact ...
Maģistra darbā tiek aplūkota Krievijas iesaiste Sīrijas krīzes atrisināšanā, kas valstī notiek kopš ...
Mirne pobune protiv sirijskog predsjednika koje su započele 2011. s vremenom su prerasle u oružani s...
After about 40 years of dictatorship of the Assad family the people of Syria were fed up and at the ...
The thesis tries to answer 2 questions: what actually motivated Russia to carry out military interve...
Bu tez çalışması Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin Sosyal İnşacılık Kuramı Bağlamında Dış Politika uygu...
This research analyzes the potential impact of humanitarian interventions executed by the foreign st...
Literature on Syria’s conflict are a washed with efforts of different parties, countries and organis...
Over the past few decades, the Middle East has been an arena in which the great powers of the world ...
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Turcijas militārā intervence Sīrijā 2016. gadā”. Darbā tiek aplūkota Turcij...
Since the collapse of the USSR, Syria has remained to be center of Russian Middle East foreign polic...
Under 2011 så utbröt det våldsamma oroligheter i Libyen och Syrien med många civila offer. FN:s säke...
The civil war in Syria has become a culmination of the Arab Spring, which transformed into a complex...
The research aimed to investigate the Russian intervention strategy in Syria. Therefore the research...
Humanitární krize v Sýrii je největší humanitární krizí od dob druhé světové války. Tento konflikt v...
Syria is one of the countries in the Middle East who suffered jQitical turmoil caused by the impact ...