Preceding Demons is a psychological period drama that explores the fictionalized relationship between Dracula novelist Bram Stoker and prodigious serial killer Jack The Ripper. Set in the years before both the infamous murders (1888-91) and the novels publication (1897) took the world by storm, this feature screenplay repurposes the Ripper as an enigmatic yet troubled Londoner destined to serve as the primary inspiration for Stokers legendary creation. Best described as a dual-origin story for both iconic figures, Preceding Demons also illuminates Stokers struggles as a fledgling, doubt-addled writer, as well as his involvement with a murder investigation involving the Occult. A confluence of historical fact and bloodthirsty fiction, this...
This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Intellect in Northern Lights: film and med...
Based on Bram Stoker’s novel entitled Dracula translated by Mrs. Suwarni A.S., this paper tries to r...
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) has elicited a range of different interpretations from critics over the...
This MA thesis studies the significance of the nineteenth-century British literary tradition of Goth...
A hundred years separate two of the most successful masterpieces of English Gothic Fiction: The Monk...
Playwright: Bram Stoker Director: Hal J. Todd Scene: Stephen C. Wathen Costume: Elizabeth M. Poindex...
This paper considers Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, published in 1897, as a window into techno-scienti...
Byron’s “Fragment of a Novel” was one of the English pioneer novels featuring the vampire theme. It ...
The Gothic horror novel is a fascinating subject for study. Its development and the influences upon ...
Beneath its spectacular Gothic topoi, the experience of subjectivity, the interest in the hidden dim...
In Our Vampires, Ourselves (1995), Nina Auerbach argues that “[t]here is no such creature as ‘The Va...
Representations of monstrosity in literature reveal the cultural tensions of specific historical per...
The diploma thesis "Bram Stoker and Sheridan LeFanu: An Analysis of their Irish Horror Fiction" deal...
Interest in characters deemed villainous remains a pillar of scholarship. The intrigue lies in chara...
We have long been fascinated with the connection between monsters and our underlying fears. Jerome C...
This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Intellect in Northern Lights: film and med...
Based on Bram Stoker’s novel entitled Dracula translated by Mrs. Suwarni A.S., this paper tries to r...
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) has elicited a range of different interpretations from critics over the...
This MA thesis studies the significance of the nineteenth-century British literary tradition of Goth...
A hundred years separate two of the most successful masterpieces of English Gothic Fiction: The Monk...
Playwright: Bram Stoker Director: Hal J. Todd Scene: Stephen C. Wathen Costume: Elizabeth M. Poindex...
This paper considers Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, published in 1897, as a window into techno-scienti...
Byron’s “Fragment of a Novel” was one of the English pioneer novels featuring the vampire theme. It ...
The Gothic horror novel is a fascinating subject for study. Its development and the influences upon ...
Beneath its spectacular Gothic topoi, the experience of subjectivity, the interest in the hidden dim...
In Our Vampires, Ourselves (1995), Nina Auerbach argues that “[t]here is no such creature as ‘The Va...
Representations of monstrosity in literature reveal the cultural tensions of specific historical per...
The diploma thesis "Bram Stoker and Sheridan LeFanu: An Analysis of their Irish Horror Fiction" deal...
Interest in characters deemed villainous remains a pillar of scholarship. The intrigue lies in chara...
We have long been fascinated with the connection between monsters and our underlying fears. Jerome C...
This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Intellect in Northern Lights: film and med...
Based on Bram Stoker’s novel entitled Dracula translated by Mrs. Suwarni A.S., this paper tries to r...
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) has elicited a range of different interpretations from critics over the...