Alicia Giménez Bartlett’s popular crime series, written in Spanish and organized around the exploits of Police Inspector Petra Delicado and Deputy Inspector Fermin Garzon, is arguably the most successful detective series published in Spain during the previous three decades. Nina L. Molinaro examines the tensions between the rhetoric of gender differences espoused by the woman detective and the orthodox ideology of the police procedural. She argues that even as the series incorporates gender differences into the crime series formula, it does so in order to correct women, naturalize men’s authority, sanction social hierarchies, and assuage collective anxieties. As Molinaro shows, with the exception of the protagonist, the women characters req...
The stimulus for this dissertation's focus emanates from a comment made by Sarah Michelle Gellar: "I...
The representation of women in crime fiction has traditionally been a complicated one. Consistently ...
La desigualdad de poder entre hombres y mujeres, producto de una socialización dicotómica y jerárqu...
This study examines how gender influences the female protagonists of Hispanic detective fiction. I a...
This study examines how gender influences the female protagonists of Hispanic detective fiction. I a...
Police Inspector Laura Lebrel, divorced mother of twins, with a disorganised personal and profession...
One of the most significant aspects of the evolution of detective fiction in Spain in the late twent...
For readers frustrated with the longstanding dominance of male characters, male writers, and masculi...
El interés por la narrativa policíaca en México ha crecido simultáneamente a los índices de violenc...
Crime writing is a significant instantiation of gender ideology. Mainstream crime writing (the low-b...
In the nineteen-eighties a host of female detectives appeared in crime fiction authored by women. O...
In this article we intend to draw a path through the crime fiction written by women in Spain, from ...
This dissertation, entitled La novela policiaca femenina hispánica: hacia un canon de tendencia posm...
Gender is a uniquely important factor in women’s lives and female criminality alike: A study o...
Appearing in the late 1970s, feminist crime fiction arose out of a distinctive social context, the p...
The stimulus for this dissertation's focus emanates from a comment made by Sarah Michelle Gellar: "I...
The representation of women in crime fiction has traditionally been a complicated one. Consistently ...
La desigualdad de poder entre hombres y mujeres, producto de una socialización dicotómica y jerárqu...
This study examines how gender influences the female protagonists of Hispanic detective fiction. I a...
This study examines how gender influences the female protagonists of Hispanic detective fiction. I a...
Police Inspector Laura Lebrel, divorced mother of twins, with a disorganised personal and profession...
One of the most significant aspects of the evolution of detective fiction in Spain in the late twent...
For readers frustrated with the longstanding dominance of male characters, male writers, and masculi...
El interés por la narrativa policíaca en México ha crecido simultáneamente a los índices de violenc...
Crime writing is a significant instantiation of gender ideology. Mainstream crime writing (the low-b...
In the nineteen-eighties a host of female detectives appeared in crime fiction authored by women. O...
In this article we intend to draw a path through the crime fiction written by women in Spain, from ...
This dissertation, entitled La novela policiaca femenina hispánica: hacia un canon de tendencia posm...
Gender is a uniquely important factor in women’s lives and female criminality alike: A study o...
Appearing in the late 1970s, feminist crime fiction arose out of a distinctive social context, the p...
The stimulus for this dissertation's focus emanates from a comment made by Sarah Michelle Gellar: "I...
The representation of women in crime fiction has traditionally been a complicated one. Consistently ...
La desigualdad de poder entre hombres y mujeres, producto de una socialización dicotómica y jerárqu...