Miniaturization of electronic components has led to the introduction of complex electronic systems which are integrated onto a single chip with multiprocessors, so-called Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC). The majority of recent embedded systems are based on massively parallel MPSoC architectures, hence the necessity of developing embedded parallel applications. Embedded parallel application design becomes more challenging: It becomes a parallel programming for non-trivial heterogeneous multiprocessors with diverse communication architectures and design constraints such as hardware cost, power, and timeliness. A challenge faced by many developers is the profiling of embedded parallel applications so that they can scale over more and mo...
Session: Model-based design and verification for embedded systems -
One of microelectronics purposes is to design and manufacture small-sized, low-cost SoCs targeting m...
International audienceThis work addresses the early exploration phase, before the hardware is availa...
Miniaturization of electronic components has led to the introduction of complex electronic systems w...
Abstract—Nowadays, a challenge faced by many developers is the profiling of parallel applications so...
International audienceNowadays, a challenge faced by many developers is the profiling of parallel ap...
In this paper we present a new technique for automatically measuring the performance of tasks, funct...
Multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) platforms have found their way into embedded systems. The reas...
The last years have shown that there is no way to disregard the advantages provided by multiprocesso...
Cette thèse présente des travaux prospectifs sur la mise au point d'applications parallèles pour des...
ISBN: 978-1-4673-2786-2 - Session: Performance evaluationInternational audienceThe efficient deploym...
Complex embedded systems today commonly involve a mix of real-time and best-effort applications inte...
ISBN : 978-1-4673-2786-2International audienceThe efficient deployment of parallel software, specifi...
Embedded systems, such as mobile phones, integrate more and more features, e.g. multiple cameras, GP...
The embedded applications come up with more and more functionalities inducing various kinds of compu...
Session: Model-based design and verification for embedded systems -
One of microelectronics purposes is to design and manufacture small-sized, low-cost SoCs targeting m...
International audienceThis work addresses the early exploration phase, before the hardware is availa...
Miniaturization of electronic components has led to the introduction of complex electronic systems w...
Abstract—Nowadays, a challenge faced by many developers is the profiling of parallel applications so...
International audienceNowadays, a challenge faced by many developers is the profiling of parallel ap...
In this paper we present a new technique for automatically measuring the performance of tasks, funct...
Multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) platforms have found their way into embedded systems. The reas...
The last years have shown that there is no way to disregard the advantages provided by multiprocesso...
Cette thèse présente des travaux prospectifs sur la mise au point d'applications parallèles pour des...
ISBN: 978-1-4673-2786-2 - Session: Performance evaluationInternational audienceThe efficient deploym...
Complex embedded systems today commonly involve a mix of real-time and best-effort applications inte...
ISBN : 978-1-4673-2786-2International audienceThe efficient deployment of parallel software, specifi...
Embedded systems, such as mobile phones, integrate more and more features, e.g. multiple cameras, GP...
The embedded applications come up with more and more functionalities inducing various kinds of compu...
Session: Model-based design and verification for embedded systems -
One of microelectronics purposes is to design and manufacture small-sized, low-cost SoCs targeting m...
International audienceThis work addresses the early exploration phase, before the hardware is availa...