Kutatásunkban a CART peptid immunreaktivitás életkor függő változását vizsgáltuk az agy egyes, táplálkozás szabályozásért felelős területein. Először 6,5 ± 1 hetes nem obes, nem diabeteses CCK-1 receptor deficiens OLETF patkányokban, valamint velük azonos korú LETO kontroll állatokban tanulmányoztuk a CART peptid immunreaktivitást. Annak ellenére, hogy korábbi vizsgálatok során az idősebb (35-40 hetes) elhízott és diabeteses OLETF patkányokban, a CART peptid immunreaktivitás a NACC rostralis területén, a rostro-medialis NTS-ben, és a basolateralis amygdalaban szignifikánsan alacsonyabb volt, mint az azonos korú LETO kontrollokban, a fiatal nem obes nem diabeteses OLETF állatokban a CART peptid expresszió nem mutatott szignifikáns eltérést...
© 2015 Dr. Jackie May-Yen HowIn recent years, obesity has reached pandemic proportions and leading r...
Obesity has doubled worldwide in the last thirty years, becoming pandemic [1]. Overconsumption of en...
Hintergrund: Cholecystokinin (CCK) ist ein im Gastrointestinaltrakt und Gehirn synthetisiertes Pepti...
Aging is accompanied by changes of several anorexigenic and orexigenic neuropeptides expressed in va...
Cocaine- and amphetamine- regulated transcript (CART) was originally identified as a mRNA transcrip...
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide is expressed in brain areas involved in...
Feeding behavior is a major determinant of body composition, adiposity, and glucose homeostasis. Bot...
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a cellular response to increased intra-reticular protein accumu...
Ageing is associated with an increased impairment in glucose homeostasis and an increased incidence ...
Starenje je normalan, fiziološki proces koji obuhvata sve organe i organske sisteme i tokom koga se ...
Das gastrointestinale Hormon Cholezystokinin (CCK) spielt eine Rolle in der Sättigungsregulation. CC...
Adipositas als komplexes Krankheitsbild betrifft alle Bevölkerungsschichten und Altersgruppen. Es wi...
AbstractCholecystokinin (CCK) is anorexic, irrespective whether it is applied intraperitoneally (IP)...
Obesity has become a pandemic disease in the last 40 years. The WHO estimates that the population w...
Background & Aims: Obese protein malnourished mice display liver insulin resistance and taurine ...
© 2015 Dr. Jackie May-Yen HowIn recent years, obesity has reached pandemic proportions and leading r...
Obesity has doubled worldwide in the last thirty years, becoming pandemic [1]. Overconsumption of en...
Hintergrund: Cholecystokinin (CCK) ist ein im Gastrointestinaltrakt und Gehirn synthetisiertes Pepti...
Aging is accompanied by changes of several anorexigenic and orexigenic neuropeptides expressed in va...
Cocaine- and amphetamine- regulated transcript (CART) was originally identified as a mRNA transcrip...
Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide is expressed in brain areas involved in...
Feeding behavior is a major determinant of body composition, adiposity, and glucose homeostasis. Bot...
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a cellular response to increased intra-reticular protein accumu...
Ageing is associated with an increased impairment in glucose homeostasis and an increased incidence ...
Starenje je normalan, fiziološki proces koji obuhvata sve organe i organske sisteme i tokom koga se ...
Das gastrointestinale Hormon Cholezystokinin (CCK) spielt eine Rolle in der Sättigungsregulation. CC...
Adipositas als komplexes Krankheitsbild betrifft alle Bevölkerungsschichten und Altersgruppen. Es wi...
AbstractCholecystokinin (CCK) is anorexic, irrespective whether it is applied intraperitoneally (IP)...
Obesity has become a pandemic disease in the last 40 years. The WHO estimates that the population w...
Background & Aims: Obese protein malnourished mice display liver insulin resistance and taurine ...
© 2015 Dr. Jackie May-Yen HowIn recent years, obesity has reached pandemic proportions and leading r...
Obesity has doubled worldwide in the last thirty years, becoming pandemic [1]. Overconsumption of en...
Hintergrund: Cholecystokinin (CCK) ist ein im Gastrointestinaltrakt und Gehirn synthetisiertes Pepti...