本文擬以西方「軍事革命」理論的角度,探討萬曆朝鮮戰爭時期,明軍薊鎮部隊的作戰表現。戚繼光「軍事革命」獨特之處在於,除訓練單兵作戰技巧外,亦重視部隊戰術隊型、協同作戰及指揮系統。從對抗倭寇時的步兵鴛鴦陣開始,至薊鎮抗虜時發展出步兵、騎兵、車兵、炮兵的協同作戰,是戚繼光「軍事革命」的主要元素。「戚家軍」戰鬥力之強勁,即根源於此。得益於戚繼光「軍事革命」的薊鎮部隊,是當時被成為「南兵」的主要部隊之一,在朝鮮戰場上更大放異彩,作戰表現遠勝明軍中的北兵。This thesis studies the performance of the Jizhen(薊鎮) Army during the Korean War (1592-1598) from the perspective of the "Military Revolution" theory. It argues that the Qi Jigunag revolutionized the training of the Ming army by focusing more on tactical formation, on coordination among different forces, on improving the commanding system, and also on more practical and united training of soldiers. As a result, the Ming army from Jizhen, also known as "the Southern Army", trained by the Qi Jiguang model, excelled in the ...