Nicolas of Verona was a 14th Century Franco-Italian poet, courtier to Nicolas Ist of Estonia, to whom, in 1343, he dedicated one of his works. He wrote 3 epic poems identical in their metrical form but each of profoundly different inspiration: La Pharsale (3166 verses) speaks of the military war between Caesar and Pompey of Thessaly for the control of Rome, la Prise de Pampelune, or Continuation de l’Entrée d’Espagne (6116 verses) is an account which relates to the traditional adventures of Roland and of Charlemagne of Spain prior to the defeat at Roncesvalles and the Passion (994 verses) narrates the last days of Christ.These 3 chansons de geste were written in Franco-Italian, a purely hybrid literary language which was probably never spo...