Insects in 9 research areas in pedunculate oak and sessile oak forests in Slovenia have been studied. We identified 35 insect species as well as two genera from 13 families. The defoliation of oak leaves in studied forests was between 10 and 90 %. More than 80 % of the defoliation was caused by mottled umber and winter moth (Erannis defoliaria Cl., Operophthera brumata L.). Leaf-roll moths are an important group of pests of oak leaves and acorns. The most numerous is the green leaf-roll moth, Tortrix viridana L., followed by Archips crataegana Hb., Laspeyresia splendana Hb. and Laspeyresia amplana Hb. The ratio of appearance of oak sawflies (Apethymus abdominalis Lep. and Apethymus braccatus Gmel.) was 9 : 1. During the past 10 years, oak m...
The acorn (oak nut) is attacked by Coleoptera and Hymenoptera and another insects before and after f...
U ovome završnom radu je obrađena pojava, važnost, štetnost, kontrola, suzbijanje, te preventivne mj...
Prikazujemo šest vrst žuželk in eno vrsto pršice, ki se relativno pogosto pojavljajo na listih navad...
Insects in 9 research areas in pedunculate oak and sessile oak forests in Slovenia have been studied...
U radu je opisano 14 vrsta lisnih minera redova Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera i Coleoptera koji dolaze na...
The research on biology and ecology of Mottled Umber Moth–Erannis defoliaria Cl. (Lepidoptera, Geome...
Abstract- The study of oak phytophagous insects was performed in the period 1992-2010 in the region ...
Večji del območja Ljubljane je v predalpski ekološki regiji s prevladujočo gozdno združbo Blechno-Fa...
A study of the biology of the oak bark beetle Scolytus intricatus at 41 localities in Serbia during ...
U ovom radu provedena su istraživanja o proljetnoj distribuciji prezimjelih imaga hrastove mrežaste ...
This research on the occurrence of insects mining leaves of the English oak Quercus robur was perfor...
Mineva šest let od prve najdbe invazivne tujerodne hrastove čipkarke (Corythucha arcuata) v Slovenij...
Hrastova mrežasta stjenica (Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832.)) je invazivna strana vrsta koja je na po...
The study of soil fauna was carried out in the spring of 2002, in 11 oak forests, placed in the basi...
The decline of oak (Quercus spp.) forests is a current trend in Northern Hemisphere and is character...
The acorn (oak nut) is attacked by Coleoptera and Hymenoptera and another insects before and after f...
U ovome završnom radu je obrađena pojava, važnost, štetnost, kontrola, suzbijanje, te preventivne mj...
Prikazujemo šest vrst žuželk in eno vrsto pršice, ki se relativno pogosto pojavljajo na listih navad...
Insects in 9 research areas in pedunculate oak and sessile oak forests in Slovenia have been studied...
U radu je opisano 14 vrsta lisnih minera redova Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera i Coleoptera koji dolaze na...
The research on biology and ecology of Mottled Umber Moth–Erannis defoliaria Cl. (Lepidoptera, Geome...
Abstract- The study of oak phytophagous insects was performed in the period 1992-2010 in the region ...
Večji del območja Ljubljane je v predalpski ekološki regiji s prevladujočo gozdno združbo Blechno-Fa...
A study of the biology of the oak bark beetle Scolytus intricatus at 41 localities in Serbia during ...
U ovom radu provedena su istraživanja o proljetnoj distribuciji prezimjelih imaga hrastove mrežaste ...
This research on the occurrence of insects mining leaves of the English oak Quercus robur was perfor...
Mineva šest let od prve najdbe invazivne tujerodne hrastove čipkarke (Corythucha arcuata) v Slovenij...
Hrastova mrežasta stjenica (Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832.)) je invazivna strana vrsta koja je na po...
The study of soil fauna was carried out in the spring of 2002, in 11 oak forests, placed in the basi...
The decline of oak (Quercus spp.) forests is a current trend in Northern Hemisphere and is character...
The acorn (oak nut) is attacked by Coleoptera and Hymenoptera and another insects before and after f...
U ovome završnom radu je obrađena pojava, važnost, štetnost, kontrola, suzbijanje, te preventivne mj...
Prikazujemo šest vrst žuželk in eno vrsto pršice, ki se relativno pogosto pojavljajo na listih navad...