Thompson, D. A. (2016). The virtual body of Christ in a suffering world. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. 144 pp. $19.99. ISBN 978150181518
A review of Bowman, C. & McKinley, T. (2015). M is for manger. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publi...
A review of Adams, D. (2016). Top 10 United Methodist beliefs. Nashville, TN: Abington Press. 162 pp...
Williams, L. (2016). Emblem of faith untouched: A short life of Thomas Cranmer. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm...
Yarnell, M. B., III. (2016). God the trinity: Biblical portraits. Nashville, TN: B & H Academic. 260...
Horton, M. (2015). Core Christianity: Finding yourself in God’s story. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ...
Cortez, M. (2016). Christological anthropology in historical perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderva...
A review of Vetere, V. (2015). By the power of God: Living the true Christian life. Bloomington, IN:...
VanDrunen, D. (2015). God’s glory alone: The majestic heart of Christian faith and life. Grand Rapid...
Hauerwas, S., & Willimon, W. H. (2015). The Holy Spirit. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. 67 pp. $19.5...
Challies, T., & Byers, J. (2016). Visual theology: Seeing and understanding the truth about God. Gra...
Bauer, D. R. (2014). Essential Bible study tools for ministry. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. 410 pp...
Reid, R. (2016). A dream of miracles. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 323 pp. $15.99. ISBN 97814016883...
Reviewed Title: The Word Became Flesh: A Contemporary Incarnational Christology, by Millard Erickson...
A review of Gainor, N.E. (2015). Eye witness to a savior: Experience the life of Jesus Christ. Bloom...
Oeming, M., & Schmid, K. (2015). Job’s journey: Stations of suffering. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns....
A review of Bowman, C. & McKinley, T. (2015). M is for manger. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publi...
A review of Adams, D. (2016). Top 10 United Methodist beliefs. Nashville, TN: Abington Press. 162 pp...
Williams, L. (2016). Emblem of faith untouched: A short life of Thomas Cranmer. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm...
Yarnell, M. B., III. (2016). God the trinity: Biblical portraits. Nashville, TN: B & H Academic. 260...
Horton, M. (2015). Core Christianity: Finding yourself in God’s story. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ...
Cortez, M. (2016). Christological anthropology in historical perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderva...
A review of Vetere, V. (2015). By the power of God: Living the true Christian life. Bloomington, IN:...
VanDrunen, D. (2015). God’s glory alone: The majestic heart of Christian faith and life. Grand Rapid...
Hauerwas, S., & Willimon, W. H. (2015). The Holy Spirit. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. 67 pp. $19.5...
Challies, T., & Byers, J. (2016). Visual theology: Seeing and understanding the truth about God. Gra...
Bauer, D. R. (2014). Essential Bible study tools for ministry. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. 410 pp...
Reid, R. (2016). A dream of miracles. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 323 pp. $15.99. ISBN 97814016883...
Reviewed Title: The Word Became Flesh: A Contemporary Incarnational Christology, by Millard Erickson...
A review of Gainor, N.E. (2015). Eye witness to a savior: Experience the life of Jesus Christ. Bloom...
Oeming, M., & Schmid, K. (2015). Job’s journey: Stations of suffering. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns....
A review of Bowman, C. & McKinley, T. (2015). M is for manger. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publi...
A review of Adams, D. (2016). Top 10 United Methodist beliefs. Nashville, TN: Abington Press. 162 pp...
Williams, L. (2016). Emblem of faith untouched: A short life of Thomas Cranmer. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm...