Productivity, sward structure and floristic diversity of a continuous grazed pasture on organic permanent grassland were determined in 2015. Daily pasture growth reached less than 50 kg dry matter per hectare in May and stayed low due to unfavorable weather conditions in 2015 (cold spring, dry and hot summer). Forage quality was quite high (> 6,5 MJ NEL/kg dm) most of the grazing season. Tiller density was moderate during summer but increased after sufficient rain in late summer. Perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and white clover were the dominant plant species and yielded more the 85 % of dry matter
Livestock-free crop rotations and soil fertility needs shift organic arable farmers to a more intens...
In einem Feldversuch mit vier Nachsaatvarianten wurde der Einfluss der Faktorkombination Pflanzenges...
In a 22-year-old experiment in Southwest Germany, the effects of different fertilization systems (o...
Continuous (CG) and rotational grazing (RG) are important strategies for pasture based organic milk ...
Pasture grazing is gaining in importance for organic dairy farms - even for farms that do not offer ...
In this study, the impact of grazing in comparison to cutting on yield and forage feeding value at p...
In unterschiedlichen Regionen Mitteleuropas wurden in 2017 Daten von 60 Milchviehbetrieben erfasst. ...
Sward height is a key parameter for rotational grazing. Influence of different sward heights (low: 8...
Pflanzendiversität in Graslandökosystemen hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Interess...
The Bavarian Grasslandmonitoring (Bavarian grassland survey) included more than 6000 grassland sites...
Auf Moor- und Marschböden wirkten Trockenjahre meist weniger stark. Grünland-und Ackerbaubetriebe mi...
Bei der Koppelweidehaltung ist die angestrebte Aufwuchshöhe am ersten Auftriebstag eine entscheidend...
In einem simulierten Weideversuch wurden die Effekte der Kurzrasen- (KR) und Koppelweide (KO) unters...
The vast majority of European grasslands strongly depend on the regular removal of aboveground bioma...
The consequences of a late closing date in autumn on pasture performance in spring are mostly unknow...
Livestock-free crop rotations and soil fertility needs shift organic arable farmers to a more intens...
In einem Feldversuch mit vier Nachsaatvarianten wurde der Einfluss der Faktorkombination Pflanzenges...
In a 22-year-old experiment in Southwest Germany, the effects of different fertilization systems (o...
Continuous (CG) and rotational grazing (RG) are important strategies for pasture based organic milk ...
Pasture grazing is gaining in importance for organic dairy farms - even for farms that do not offer ...
In this study, the impact of grazing in comparison to cutting on yield and forage feeding value at p...
In unterschiedlichen Regionen Mitteleuropas wurden in 2017 Daten von 60 Milchviehbetrieben erfasst. ...
Sward height is a key parameter for rotational grazing. Influence of different sward heights (low: 8...
Pflanzendiversität in Graslandökosystemen hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Interess...
The Bavarian Grasslandmonitoring (Bavarian grassland survey) included more than 6000 grassland sites...
Auf Moor- und Marschböden wirkten Trockenjahre meist weniger stark. Grünland-und Ackerbaubetriebe mi...
Bei der Koppelweidehaltung ist die angestrebte Aufwuchshöhe am ersten Auftriebstag eine entscheidend...
In einem simulierten Weideversuch wurden die Effekte der Kurzrasen- (KR) und Koppelweide (KO) unters...
The vast majority of European grasslands strongly depend on the regular removal of aboveground bioma...
The consequences of a late closing date in autumn on pasture performance in spring are mostly unknow...
Livestock-free crop rotations and soil fertility needs shift organic arable farmers to a more intens...
In einem Feldversuch mit vier Nachsaatvarianten wurde der Einfluss der Faktorkombination Pflanzenges...
In a 22-year-old experiment in Southwest Germany, the effects of different fertilization systems (o...