Suuri sisältövalikoima eri internet palveluissa, kuten verkkokaupoissa, voi aiheuttaa liian suurta informaatiomäärää, mikä heikentää asiakaskokemusta. Suosittelujärjestelmät ovat teknologioita, jotka tukevat asiakkaan päätöksentekoa tarjoamalla ennustettuja suosituksia. On yleistä, että asiakkaalle näytetään lista tuotteista, joista asiakas voisi pitää, esimerkiksi top-10 lista elokuvista. Perinteisesti nämä listat ovat tuotettu käyttäen perinteistä arvosanapohjaista menetelmää, missä tuntemattomille tuotteille ennustetaan arvosana ja järjestetty lista muodostetaan arvosanojen perusteella. Sijoitusperusteinen lähestyminen laskee käyttäjien väliset samankaltaisuudet ja ennustaa järjestetyn listan ilman välivaihetta liittyen arvosanojen laske...
In this thesis three different types of reccommender systems were compared: baseline predictor, coll...
Firmalar, özellikle e-ticaret firmaları, öneri sistemleri kullanarak müşteri memnuniyetini, dolayısı...
Recommender systems can be seen everywheretoday, having endless possibilities of implementation. How...
Darbs bija veltīts kolaboratīvai filtrēšanai ieteikumu sistēmās. Tika raksturota kolaboratīvās filtr...
In this thesis we report the results of our research on recommender systems, which addresses some of...
With a constantly increasing amount of content on the internet, filtering algorithms are now more re...
Recommender Systems is a topic several computer scientists have researched. With today’s e-commerce ...
Abstract—Recommender systems are often used to provide useful recommendations for users. They use ...
Wide variety of surveys have studied recommendation systems (RS) and the topic is very current. Howe...
Collaborative filtering is regarded as one of the most promising approaches in recommender systems. ...
This paper describes an approach for improving the accuracy of memory-based collaborative filtering,...
Recommendation systems were introduced as the computer-based intelligent techniques to deal with the...
Recommender systems are by far one of the most successful applications of big data and machine learn...
Past work on the evaluation of recommender systems indicates that collaborative filtering algorithms...
Recommender systems help users find information by recommending content that a user might not know a...
In this thesis three different types of reccommender systems were compared: baseline predictor, coll...
Firmalar, özellikle e-ticaret firmaları, öneri sistemleri kullanarak müşteri memnuniyetini, dolayısı...
Recommender systems can be seen everywheretoday, having endless possibilities of implementation. How...
Darbs bija veltīts kolaboratīvai filtrēšanai ieteikumu sistēmās. Tika raksturota kolaboratīvās filtr...
In this thesis we report the results of our research on recommender systems, which addresses some of...
With a constantly increasing amount of content on the internet, filtering algorithms are now more re...
Recommender Systems is a topic several computer scientists have researched. With today’s e-commerce ...
Abstract—Recommender systems are often used to provide useful recommendations for users. They use ...
Wide variety of surveys have studied recommendation systems (RS) and the topic is very current. Howe...
Collaborative filtering is regarded as one of the most promising approaches in recommender systems. ...
This paper describes an approach for improving the accuracy of memory-based collaborative filtering,...
Recommendation systems were introduced as the computer-based intelligent techniques to deal with the...
Recommender systems are by far one of the most successful applications of big data and machine learn...
Past work on the evaluation of recommender systems indicates that collaborative filtering algorithms...
Recommender systems help users find information by recommending content that a user might not know a...
In this thesis three different types of reccommender systems were compared: baseline predictor, coll...
Firmalar, özellikle e-ticaret firmaları, öneri sistemleri kullanarak müşteri memnuniyetini, dolayısı...
Recommender systems can be seen everywheretoday, having endless possibilities of implementation. How...