Genre: Healing/huru. Mama Sophia Sophune tells about different 'huru', from notes: 1 huru bara lewa: baralewa leaves, or if severe, uproot young tree and scrape bark, and take leaves). Curse. Symptom: swollen body parts, knees, like 'huru bhapha'. Cure: chew with baralewa. 2 huru dhombe. dhombe. Symptoms: knees ache, similar to 'huru mbesi'. Cure: chew with dhombe small leaves. 3 huru wae. Water. Symptom: diarrhea. Curse, plait box with lontar leaves, fold, hang. Cure uses bamboo container 'dibho', filled with water, blow from above then scrape to chew. Apply, paste. 4 huru mbesi. moro. Curse. Symptoms: primarily knees ache (here). Cure: chew with moro and scraped rust from an old machete. Paste on knees with hands. Recorded by Maria Meth...