Genre: Medicine/huru. Recorded by SD, late morning 14 September 2015 on the 'woga' outside of Petrus (Petu's) house by the cement road passing through kampong Poro. After recording Petu and drinking a cup of coffee, we proceeded to record Justina Nona's 'huru', 'huru dhombe'. Symptom: victim cannot walk, broken arm or leg. Material: 'dhombe' (a tree, like the banyan) and ginger. It is different from Maria Methi Du'as (Mbako) 'huru dombe' that uses 'dombe' root, kencur (similar to ginger), tobacco, 'moro' and 'wetho wa'i'. And Justina only cures ('ngiru huru'), she does not 'huru' any curse. With Pidu Ebbe, Petu, Petu's daughter and Petu's grandson. A few other family members/neighbours were nearby, listening in. Recorded with the newly boug...