Value at Risk (VaR) has become the standard measure of market risk employed by financial institutions for both internal and regulatory purposes. In asset allocation and portfolio risk management, we need a good model that can capture the joint dynamics of the assets under consideration. Financial asset returns often exhibit time-varying conditional distributions, departures from normality, and persistence in volatility. Higher moments of financial returns distribution are especially important in applications in which the tail probability is of major interest or concern. Therefore, a good data-generating process for financial returns should allow for both temporal dependence and stochastic variation in the moments. We examine whether a regim...
We pick up the regime switching model for asset returns introduced by Rogers and Zhang. The calibrat...
This paper deals with the estimation of the risk–return trade-off. We use a MIDAS model for the cond...
Value at Risk (VaR) is one of the most popular tools used to estimate exposure to market risks, and ...
Many empirical researches report that value-at-risk (VaR) measures understate the actual 1% quantile...
We have developed a regime switching framework to compute the Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall m...
Markov Regime-Switching GARCH (MRS-GARCH) models have been gaining popularity due to their ability t...
In this paper, we model international equity markets according to two sto-chastic volatility models:...
A non-Gaussian multivariate regime switching dynamic correlation model for financial asset returns i...
This Master of Science thesis investigates the performance of a Simple Regime Switching Model compar...
It is often suggested that through a judicious choice of predictors that track business cycles and m...
Asset allocation is important for diversifying risk and realizing gains in the financial market. It ...
[[abstract]]Certain advanced approaches for VaR (or Value at Risk) estimation are addressed and exam...
This paper aims to identify if regime-switching GARCH models perform better than singlestate GARCH m...
This paper constructs a regime switching model for the univariate Value-at-Risk estimation. Extreme ...
A non-Gaussian multivariate regime switching dynamic correlation model for financial asset returns i...
We pick up the regime switching model for asset returns introduced by Rogers and Zhang. The calibrat...
This paper deals with the estimation of the risk–return trade-off. We use a MIDAS model for the cond...
Value at Risk (VaR) is one of the most popular tools used to estimate exposure to market risks, and ...
Many empirical researches report that value-at-risk (VaR) measures understate the actual 1% quantile...
We have developed a regime switching framework to compute the Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall m...
Markov Regime-Switching GARCH (MRS-GARCH) models have been gaining popularity due to their ability t...
In this paper, we model international equity markets according to two sto-chastic volatility models:...
A non-Gaussian multivariate regime switching dynamic correlation model for financial asset returns i...
This Master of Science thesis investigates the performance of a Simple Regime Switching Model compar...
It is often suggested that through a judicious choice of predictors that track business cycles and m...
Asset allocation is important for diversifying risk and realizing gains in the financial market. It ...
[[abstract]]Certain advanced approaches for VaR (or Value at Risk) estimation are addressed and exam...
This paper aims to identify if regime-switching GARCH models perform better than singlestate GARCH m...
This paper constructs a regime switching model for the univariate Value-at-Risk estimation. Extreme ...
A non-Gaussian multivariate regime switching dynamic correlation model for financial asset returns i...
We pick up the regime switching model for asset returns introduced by Rogers and Zhang. The calibrat...
This paper deals with the estimation of the risk–return trade-off. We use a MIDAS model for the cond...
Value at Risk (VaR) is one of the most popular tools used to estimate exposure to market risks, and ...