Mätsystemanalys för förbättring av mätnoggrannheten med mätsticka, mikrometer och skjutmått på SKF i Hofors

  • Valler, Agnes
  • Ågren, Isabelle
Publication date
January 2017
Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för Industriell utveckling, IT och Samhällsbyggnad


SKF Coupling in Hofors manufactures screws and couplings to the energy sector and the marine industry. The products have tight tolerances to be more attractive at the market through the tolerances. With increased competition on the market, the quality requirements increase, which means that many products fail to meet the quality requirements in order to avoid customer complaints. The purpose of this work was to improve measurement accuracy. To get an overview of the current situation, interviews and observations were made. A measurement system analysis was conducted by tests where a certain number of products were measured by a certain number of operators, with a certain number of repetitions. The test results were analyzed by a two-way ANO...

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