We consider a generalization of elliptic multiple zeta values, which we call twisted elliptic multiple zeta values. These arise as iterated integrals on an elliptic curve from which a rational lattice has been removed. At the cusp, twisted elliptic multiple zeta values are shown to degenerate to cyclotomic multiple zeta values in the same way as elliptic multiple zeta values degenerate to classical multiple zeta values. We investigate properties of twisted elliptic multiple zeta values and consider them in the context of the non-planar part of the four-point one-loop open-string amplitude
We relate the low-energy expansions of world-sheet integrals in genus-one amplitudes of open- and cl...
75 pages, LaTeXInternational audienceNew monodromy relations of loop amplitudes are derived in open ...
We introduce a class of iterated integrals that generalize multiple polylogarithms to elliptic curve...
We consider a generalization of elliptic multiple zeta values, which we call twisted elliptic multip...
We investigate iterated integrals on an elliptic curve, which are a natural genus-one generalization...
We give an overview of some work on elliptic multiple zeta values. First defined by Enriquez as the ...
In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten rückte das häufige Auftreten von multiplen Polylogarithmen und multip...
In these proceedings we review and expand on the recent appearance of iterated integrals on an ellip...
We study an elliptic analogue of multiple zeta values, the elliptic multiple zeta values of Enriquez...
article en révisionInternational audienceWe study the behavior of partially twisted multiple zeta-fu...
We study holomorphic and non-holomorphic elliptic analogues of multiple zeta values, namely elliptic...
Abstract We relate one-loop scattering amplitudes of massless open- and closed-string states at the ...
We describe a decomposition algorithm for elliptic multiple zeta values, which amounts to the constr...
We study integrals appearing in intermediate steps of one-loop open-string amplitudes, with multiple...
New monodromy relations of loop amplitudes are derived in open string theory. We particularly study ...
We relate the low-energy expansions of world-sheet integrals in genus-one amplitudes of open- and cl...
75 pages, LaTeXInternational audienceNew monodromy relations of loop amplitudes are derived in open ...
We introduce a class of iterated integrals that generalize multiple polylogarithms to elliptic curve...
We consider a generalization of elliptic multiple zeta values, which we call twisted elliptic multip...
We investigate iterated integrals on an elliptic curve, which are a natural genus-one generalization...
We give an overview of some work on elliptic multiple zeta values. First defined by Enriquez as the ...
In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten rückte das häufige Auftreten von multiplen Polylogarithmen und multip...
In these proceedings we review and expand on the recent appearance of iterated integrals on an ellip...
We study an elliptic analogue of multiple zeta values, the elliptic multiple zeta values of Enriquez...
article en révisionInternational audienceWe study the behavior of partially twisted multiple zeta-fu...
We study holomorphic and non-holomorphic elliptic analogues of multiple zeta values, namely elliptic...
Abstract We relate one-loop scattering amplitudes of massless open- and closed-string states at the ...
We describe a decomposition algorithm for elliptic multiple zeta values, which amounts to the constr...
We study integrals appearing in intermediate steps of one-loop open-string amplitudes, with multiple...
New monodromy relations of loop amplitudes are derived in open string theory. We particularly study ...
We relate the low-energy expansions of world-sheet integrals in genus-one amplitudes of open- and cl...
75 pages, LaTeXInternational audienceNew monodromy relations of loop amplitudes are derived in open ...
We introduce a class of iterated integrals that generalize multiple polylogarithms to elliptic curve...