Talarolide A, a cyclic heptapeptide hydroxamate from an Australian marine tunicate-associated fungus, Talaromyces sp. (CMB-TU011)

  • Dewapriya, Pradeep
  • Prasad, Pritesh
  • Damodar, Rakesh
  • Salim, Angela A.
  • Capon, Robert J.
Publication date
April 2017
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Citation count (estimate)


A miniaturized 24-well plate microbioreactor approach was used to explore secondary metabolite media dependence in an Australian marine tunicate-associated fungus, Talaromyces sp. (CMB TU011). Detailed chemical investigations of an antifungal M1-saline cultivation yielded talarolide A (1), only the second reported natural cyclic peptide hydroxamate, and the first from a fungus. The antifungal properties of the M1-saline extract were attributed to the known diterpene glycoside sordarin (2). Structure elucidation of 1 and 2 was achieved by detailed spectroscopic analysis, with amino acid configurations in 1 assigned by the C and C Marfey's methods, and l-Ala and d-Ala regiochemistry by the recently reported 2D C Marfey's method

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