This work was funded by the EP/J018139/1, EP/K00445X/1 grants (NJW and PCJK), an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship (CSL), and the European Union (Marie Curie ITN ‘SuBiCat’ PITN-GA-2013-607044, CWL, NJW, PCJK, PJD, KB, JdeV).The development of fundamentally new approaches for lignin depolymerization is challenged by the complexity of this aromatic biopolymer. While overly simplified model compounds often lack relevance to the chemistry of lignin, the direct use of lignin streams poses significant analytical challenges to methodology development. Ideally, new methods should be tested on model compounds that are complex enough to mirror the structural diversity in lignin but still of sufficiently low molecular weight to enable facile analysis. I...