Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is a key enzyme in fatty acid mobilization in many cell types. Two isoforms of HSL are known to date, namely HSLadi (84 kDa in rat) and HSLtes (130 kDa in rat). These are encoded by the same gene, with exons 1-9 encoding the parts that are common to both and an additional 5'-exon encoding the additional amino acids in HSLtes. HSL of various tissues, among these the islet of Langerhans, is larger than HSLadi, but not as large as HSLtes, indicating that there may be other 5'-coding exons. Here we describe the molecular basis for a novel 89-kDa HSL isoform that is expressed in -cells, adipocytes, adrenal glands, and ovaries in the rat and that is encoded by exons 1-9 and exon A, which is spliced to exon 1 and the...