The aim of this study was to develop a model for the quantification of the occupant risk in residential fires. The model should make it possible to quantitatively evaluate which effect the presence of a residential sprinkler has on the fire development. Statistics on causes and outcomes of residential fires were used as background material for the model development. A literature review was carried out to find out which effect different fire safety measures has on the building fire safety. The model consists of a number of hand-calculation expressions on fire dynamics, which are linked in a spreadsheet. The model consists of sub models on fire development, effect of sprinkler, detector activation, smoke production, and human response. The st...
AbstractA quantitative fire risk analysis computer model CUrisk is being developed at Carleton Unive...
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the fire safety of the ferryterminal in Kapellskär, Norr...
The report contains an evaluation of the fire safety at Linden shopping centre in Norrköping, Sweden...
A study is presented in the report regarding fires that have occurred in the USA between 2007 and 20...
This report is a Fire Safety Evaluation of Sky City’s public areas at Arlanda Airport and aims to ev...
This work has been made on behalf of SF Brandskyddskontroll to investigate the effects and possibili...
This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Oléo, located in Växjö, Sweden. Oléo is a nightclub...
This study deals with the assessment, using probabilistic methods, of people’s fire safety in buildi...
This report contains a fire safety risk analysis of the X-ray Ward in the hospital in Värnamo. Värna...
This study is the first relatively broad statistical survey utilising the statistical data collected...
This report contains a description of the fire safety situation of Holmagården, which is a residence...
This project has been a part of the education of Fire Safety Engineers at Lund Institute of Technolo...
This report contains several case studies where trade-offs have been made between prescriptive code ...
This report evaluates personal safety during evacuation of the arcade Gallerian, Västerås, in case o...
The aim of this report is to present some of the variable uncertainties associated with the dimensio...
AbstractA quantitative fire risk analysis computer model CUrisk is being developed at Carleton Unive...
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the fire safety of the ferryterminal in Kapellskär, Norr...
The report contains an evaluation of the fire safety at Linden shopping centre in Norrköping, Sweden...
A study is presented in the report regarding fires that have occurred in the USA between 2007 and 20...
This report is a Fire Safety Evaluation of Sky City’s public areas at Arlanda Airport and aims to ev...
This work has been made on behalf of SF Brandskyddskontroll to investigate the effects and possibili...
This report contains a fire safety evaluation of Oléo, located in Växjö, Sweden. Oléo is a nightclub...
This study deals with the assessment, using probabilistic methods, of people’s fire safety in buildi...
This report contains a fire safety risk analysis of the X-ray Ward in the hospital in Värnamo. Värna...
This study is the first relatively broad statistical survey utilising the statistical data collected...
This report contains a description of the fire safety situation of Holmagården, which is a residence...
This project has been a part of the education of Fire Safety Engineers at Lund Institute of Technolo...
This report contains several case studies where trade-offs have been made between prescriptive code ...
This report evaluates personal safety during evacuation of the arcade Gallerian, Västerås, in case o...
The aim of this report is to present some of the variable uncertainties associated with the dimensio...
AbstractA quantitative fire risk analysis computer model CUrisk is being developed at Carleton Unive...
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the fire safety of the ferryterminal in Kapellskär, Norr...
The report contains an evaluation of the fire safety at Linden shopping centre in Norrköping, Sweden...