Protsesside juhtimise süsteemid leiavad aina enam kasutust toetamaks muutlike situatsioone ja koostööd nõudvaid protsesse. Mõned valdkonnad on väga muutlikud oma keskkonna poolest, võides muutuda protsessi jooksul ja seega mõjutada töövoogu moel, mil protsessiga pole enam võimalik jätkata. Sellistes valdkondades tegelevad näiteks hädaabi, päästekomandod, kiirabi ja teised. Taolised meeskonnad koosnevad üldjuhul vastavalt tegevuskohale opereerivatest osalejatest. Nendes valdkondades on oodamatute sündmuste sagedus ja erinevus väga suur võrreldes tavapäraste äriprotsessidega mida praegused äriprotsesside juhtimise lahendused hallata suudavad. 2011. aastal tutvustati Rooma Sapienza Ülikoolis esialgset SmartPM (Tark Protsesside Juhtija) konsept...
Väestön nopea ikääntyminen teollisuusmaissa ja erityisesti Suomessa asettaa terveyden- ja vanhustenh...
The number of smart homes is rapidly increasing. Smart homes typically feature functions such as voi...
Virtual Machines have been a common computation platform in areas of cloud computing for some time n...
Tärkavad värkvõrksüsteemid koosnevad arvukast hulgast heterogeensetest füüsilistest seadmetest, mis ...
The amount of software to maintain increases continuously. New systems are being built and old syste...
With the digitalization of society, the traditional crimes have manifested in digital operational en...
Import 04/11/2015Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je vytvorenie vizualizačnej, monitorovacej aplikácie pre...
Currently, almost all applications are wanted to move to the cloud. There are many reasons to move a...
Machine learning has many potentially useful applications in process industry, for example in proces...
In the current cyber threat situation, it is vital for an organization to be able to keep up to date...
This thesis studies how suitable Security Information and Event Management systems (SIEM systems) ar...
The amount of new software and data has grown significantly in our society. In addition, new softwa...
S technickým pokrokom v oblasti informatizácie sa v dnešnej dobe objavujú nové postupy, ako zefektív...
Diplomsko delo obravnava konfiguracijo in uporabo tako imenovanih pametnih MEMS zaznaval na področju...
Our living environments are full of various connected computing devices. These environments in homes...
Väestön nopea ikääntyminen teollisuusmaissa ja erityisesti Suomessa asettaa terveyden- ja vanhustenh...
The number of smart homes is rapidly increasing. Smart homes typically feature functions such as voi...
Virtual Machines have been a common computation platform in areas of cloud computing for some time n...
Tärkavad värkvõrksüsteemid koosnevad arvukast hulgast heterogeensetest füüsilistest seadmetest, mis ...
The amount of software to maintain increases continuously. New systems are being built and old syste...
With the digitalization of society, the traditional crimes have manifested in digital operational en...
Import 04/11/2015Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je vytvorenie vizualizačnej, monitorovacej aplikácie pre...
Currently, almost all applications are wanted to move to the cloud. There are many reasons to move a...
Machine learning has many potentially useful applications in process industry, for example in proces...
In the current cyber threat situation, it is vital for an organization to be able to keep up to date...
This thesis studies how suitable Security Information and Event Management systems (SIEM systems) ar...
The amount of new software and data has grown significantly in our society. In addition, new softwa...
S technickým pokrokom v oblasti informatizácie sa v dnešnej dobe objavujú nové postupy, ako zefektív...
Diplomsko delo obravnava konfiguracijo in uporabo tako imenovanih pametnih MEMS zaznaval na področju...
Our living environments are full of various connected computing devices. These environments in homes...
Väestön nopea ikääntyminen teollisuusmaissa ja erityisesti Suomessa asettaa terveyden- ja vanhustenh...
The number of smart homes is rapidly increasing. Smart homes typically feature functions such as voi...
Virtual Machines have been a common computation platform in areas of cloud computing for some time n...