Rad prikazuje vrste baštinskih institucija, najvažnije etičke norme i neke dileme s kojima se mogu susresti informacijski stručnjaci. Područje informacijskih znanosti brzo se razvija, a pojavom novih tehnoloških mogućnosti javljaju se i novi etički problemi. Samo poznavanje rada u vlastitoj profesiji više nije dovoljno za kvalitetno obavljanje posla, svi visoko obrazovani stručnjaci moraju biti upoznati i s etičkim kodeksima koje propisuju profesionalne udruge.This paper displays types of cultural heritage institutions, most important ethical norms, and some dilemmas information workers can find themselves in. Information sciences are developing rapidly, and with the advent of new technological possibilities, there are also new ethical pro...
The comparison between some lists of ethical values prevalent in various professions related to know...
Society in which we live today is on a lesser scale determined by the manufacture of material goods,...
The report studies problems of the expert ethics. The urgency of the mentioned problems is caused by...
Etičnost na radnom mjestu jedna je od glavnih prednosti u radu neke organizacije. Budući da informac...
Rad se bavi o razvijenosti etičkih načela u informatičkoj struci, njihovoj primjenjivosti i korisnos...
Ovaj završni rad temeljen je na istraživanju o etici, kulturnoj baštini, kulturi te čovjeku moralnom...
U ovome radu opisana je povezanost između etike i informacijskih tehnologija, etički principi, norme...
The importance of ethical regulation of professional practice is one of the most topical and discuss...
The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of information ethics that is becoming in today...
SADÍLEK, J. Libraries, information centers and their services in the context of ethical problems of ...
U tekstu se propituju mnoga etička pitanja u različitim etnološkim djelatnostima – znanstveno-istraž...
The goal of this thesis will be to analyze ethical tools in organizations and the breadth of applica...
This paper is concerned with the basis and principles of library ethics perceived as standards of li...
This work is focused on information ethics dilemmas and outlining their solutions. The first part de...
Rad se osvrće na etiku i etičke kodekse u muzejima s ciljem da se opiše djelovanje muzejskih radnika...
The comparison between some lists of ethical values prevalent in various professions related to know...
Society in which we live today is on a lesser scale determined by the manufacture of material goods,...
The report studies problems of the expert ethics. The urgency of the mentioned problems is caused by...
Etičnost na radnom mjestu jedna je od glavnih prednosti u radu neke organizacije. Budući da informac...
Rad se bavi o razvijenosti etičkih načela u informatičkoj struci, njihovoj primjenjivosti i korisnos...
Ovaj završni rad temeljen je na istraživanju o etici, kulturnoj baštini, kulturi te čovjeku moralnom...
U ovome radu opisana je povezanost između etike i informacijskih tehnologija, etički principi, norme...
The importance of ethical regulation of professional practice is one of the most topical and discuss...
The aim of this paper is to highlight the importance of information ethics that is becoming in today...
SADÍLEK, J. Libraries, information centers and their services in the context of ethical problems of ...
U tekstu se propituju mnoga etička pitanja u različitim etnološkim djelatnostima – znanstveno-istraž...
The goal of this thesis will be to analyze ethical tools in organizations and the breadth of applica...
This paper is concerned with the basis and principles of library ethics perceived as standards of li...
This work is focused on information ethics dilemmas and outlining their solutions. The first part de...
Rad se osvrće na etiku i etičke kodekse u muzejima s ciljem da se opiše djelovanje muzejskih radnika...
The comparison between some lists of ethical values prevalent in various professions related to know...
Society in which we live today is on a lesser scale determined by the manufacture of material goods,...
The report studies problems of the expert ethics. The urgency of the mentioned problems is caused by...