Berbagai program konservasi sumberdaya alam seperti penghijauan, terasering,pembuatan embung (small scale water reservoir) alley cropping dan lainnya dapatditawarkan kepada masyarakat di sepanjang daerah aliran sungai (DAS) untuk menjagakelestarian lingkungan. Respon dan keinginan membayar (willingness to pay, WTP)penduduk terhadap masing-masing program jika diimplementasikan cukup beragam.Terkait dengan program-program konservasi lingkungan di atas, penelitian ini telahdilaksanakan di Jawa Barat dengan mengambil kasus DAS Citarum yang meliputi daerahhulu di Kabupaten Bandung, tengahan di Kabupaten Cianjur, dan daerah hilir diKabupaten Karawang. Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) telah digunakan untukmenganalisis WTP penduduk di sepanjang DA...
ABSTRACT One of the solution utilize to overcome damage of DAS Way Betung hydrology function is appl...
Land conversion reduce the Green Open Space (RTH) and provoke environmental problems. In Law No.26/2...
Over the year, the population of local terubok(Tenualosa toli)is being threatened due to ...
Economic growth and urbanization are increasing the demand for land affecting on the numerous conver...
This study aims to estimate the value of the community's Willingness to Pay (WTP) towards the preser...
Ecocentrism paradigm in development are intended to ensure the sustainability of water resources in ...
This paper studies socio-economic factors influencing perceptions of the people on water quality imp...
This study aims were, first to measure the level of farmers' willingness to pay the external cost to...
Water is an important element in human life. Water is used for various purposes including for drinki...
The environmental services fee program is a policy instrument to protect the watershed and increase ...
Payment for Environmental Services (PES) incentive need be applied to ensure the promotion of soil a...
The aims of this study was to analyze the kind of people willingness to pay and the factors affectin...
This study aims to analyze the willingness to pay the people of Perumnas Waykandis Village to improv...
This study aims to: (1) determine the conservation of water resources willingness to pay (WTP) of th...
Pertanian organik merupakan jawaban atas revolusi hijau yang digalakkan pada tahun 1960-an yang meny...
ABSTRACT One of the solution utilize to overcome damage of DAS Way Betung hydrology function is appl...
Land conversion reduce the Green Open Space (RTH) and provoke environmental problems. In Law No.26/2...
Over the year, the population of local terubok(Tenualosa toli)is being threatened due to ...
Economic growth and urbanization are increasing the demand for land affecting on the numerous conver...
This study aims to estimate the value of the community's Willingness to Pay (WTP) towards the preser...
Ecocentrism paradigm in development are intended to ensure the sustainability of water resources in ...
This paper studies socio-economic factors influencing perceptions of the people on water quality imp...
This study aims were, first to measure the level of farmers' willingness to pay the external cost to...
Water is an important element in human life. Water is used for various purposes including for drinki...
The environmental services fee program is a policy instrument to protect the watershed and increase ...
Payment for Environmental Services (PES) incentive need be applied to ensure the promotion of soil a...
The aims of this study was to analyze the kind of people willingness to pay and the factors affectin...
This study aims to analyze the willingness to pay the people of Perumnas Waykandis Village to improv...
This study aims to: (1) determine the conservation of water resources willingness to pay (WTP) of th...
Pertanian organik merupakan jawaban atas revolusi hijau yang digalakkan pada tahun 1960-an yang meny...
ABSTRACT One of the solution utilize to overcome damage of DAS Way Betung hydrology function is appl...
Land conversion reduce the Green Open Space (RTH) and provoke environmental problems. In Law No.26/2...
Over the year, the population of local terubok(Tenualosa toli)is being threatened due to ...