albert.szupszynski@hotmail.comAlbert Szupszyński, mgr historii, absolwent Instytutu Historii i Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, mieszka w Hardwicke, Gloucestershire, UK.309-3142330931
It seemed that after the end of the Cold War the democratization process would spread freely ensurin...
The article sketches the picture of overseas emigration of Polish people in the press in the first y...
Article dedicated to the problem of globalization influence on East European cultural space. Author...
Language Politics and Nationalism Review of: Tomasz Kamusella, The Politics of Language and Nationa...
Artykuł omawia polityki pamięci państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym w...
"Jednym ze sposobów wyjaśniania procesów narodowotwórczych jest etnosymbolizm. Przyjmuje on za kluc...
Sprawy Narodowościowe (Nationalities Affairs) – The 20th Anniversary Editorial „Sprawy Narodo...
It is a review of prose and poetic works touching upon the problem of the fortunes of Polish soldier...
Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytor...
On Polish nationalism in wide perspectiveIn this book review of “Dylematy polskiego nacjonalizmu” by...
Patriotism is one of the concepts that cannot be easily interpreted. It can be seen at least two mod...
The article attempts to show Szczepan Twardoch’s novel "Drach" as a literary version of the counter-...
W opracowaniu stawiam pytanie, czy ludzie z prawdziwym poczuciem odpowiedzialności, prawdziwie silne...
Proposals to solve to the issue of national minorities by means of providing these groups with diffe...
In the Service of the Habsburg Court. Antoni Walewski (1805–1876)In his young days, Antoni Walewski,...
It seemed that after the end of the Cold War the democratization process would spread freely ensurin...
The article sketches the picture of overseas emigration of Polish people in the press in the first y...
Article dedicated to the problem of globalization influence on East European cultural space. Author...
Language Politics and Nationalism Review of: Tomasz Kamusella, The Politics of Language and Nationa...
Artykuł omawia polityki pamięci państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym w...
"Jednym ze sposobów wyjaśniania procesów narodowotwórczych jest etnosymbolizm. Przyjmuje on za kluc...
Sprawy Narodowościowe (Nationalities Affairs) – The 20th Anniversary Editorial „Sprawy Narodo...
It is a review of prose and poetic works touching upon the problem of the fortunes of Polish soldier...
Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytor...
On Polish nationalism in wide perspectiveIn this book review of “Dylematy polskiego nacjonalizmu” by...
Patriotism is one of the concepts that cannot be easily interpreted. It can be seen at least two mod...
The article attempts to show Szczepan Twardoch’s novel "Drach" as a literary version of the counter-...
W opracowaniu stawiam pytanie, czy ludzie z prawdziwym poczuciem odpowiedzialności, prawdziwie silne...
Proposals to solve to the issue of national minorities by means of providing these groups with diffe...
In the Service of the Habsburg Court. Antoni Walewski (1805–1876)In his young days, Antoni Walewski,...
It seemed that after the end of the Cold War the democratization process would spread freely ensurin...
The article sketches the picture of overseas emigration of Polish people in the press in the first y...
Article dedicated to the problem of globalization influence on East European cultural space. Author...