India’s post-Independence history has been punctuated with incidents of mass violence but very few of the perpetrators have been brought to justice. Surabhi Chopra argues that these continuing failures of justice are a result of incomplete and inaccurate logging of the cases, witness intimidation and a lack of government commitment to seeing prosecutions through
Within about a month there have been two police encounters in Uttar Pradesh, the earlier one in NOID...
The war against flexibility in South Asia that finished with the separation of India and the making ...
Neha Dhir explores the trend of victim blaming in incidents of violence against women through her sa...
The recent acquittal of the accused in the Hashimpura massacre case provides a chilling reminder of ...
This detailed study aims to map, understand and evaluate how effectively the State in free India has...
In this article, I aim to problematize the ‘riots’ label that defines the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom foll...
On Their Watch: Mass Violence and State Apathy in India examines official records and shows how stat...
For centuries India has been seen and portrayed as an enigma to the world. Its archetypal mysticism,...
LSE’s Gautam Appa explains why claims that Narendra Modi has received three ‘clean chits’ for his al...
Last month, the Supreme Court of India ruled that armed forces personnel and police cannot use exces...
Misconception in the Indian Society has played a paramount role to its contribution to communal viol...
To account for the worst incidents of communal violence in post-Partition India, it is essential to ...
As today India’s Prime Minister Modi nicely stated that a nation or country could not develop fairly...
India’s Northeastern region (NER) is defined by some of the world’s longest-running armed insurgenc...
The recent killings in Delhi, orchestrated by armed mobs with impunity and legitimized through the h...
Within about a month there have been two police encounters in Uttar Pradesh, the earlier one in NOID...
The war against flexibility in South Asia that finished with the separation of India and the making ...
Neha Dhir explores the trend of victim blaming in incidents of violence against women through her sa...
The recent acquittal of the accused in the Hashimpura massacre case provides a chilling reminder of ...
This detailed study aims to map, understand and evaluate how effectively the State in free India has...
In this article, I aim to problematize the ‘riots’ label that defines the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom foll...
On Their Watch: Mass Violence and State Apathy in India examines official records and shows how stat...
For centuries India has been seen and portrayed as an enigma to the world. Its archetypal mysticism,...
LSE’s Gautam Appa explains why claims that Narendra Modi has received three ‘clean chits’ for his al...
Last month, the Supreme Court of India ruled that armed forces personnel and police cannot use exces...
Misconception in the Indian Society has played a paramount role to its contribution to communal viol...
To account for the worst incidents of communal violence in post-Partition India, it is essential to ...
As today India’s Prime Minister Modi nicely stated that a nation or country could not develop fairly...
India’s Northeastern region (NER) is defined by some of the world’s longest-running armed insurgenc...
The recent killings in Delhi, orchestrated by armed mobs with impunity and legitimized through the h...
Within about a month there have been two police encounters in Uttar Pradesh, the earlier one in NOID...
The war against flexibility in South Asia that finished with the separation of India and the making ...
Neha Dhir explores the trend of victim blaming in incidents of violence against women through her sa...