AbstractA Hermitian metric, g, on a complex manifold, M, together with a smooth probability measure, μ, on M determine minimal and maximal Dirichlet forms, QD and Qmax, given by Q(f)=∫Mg(gradf(z), gradf(z))dμ(z). QD is the form closure of Q on C∞c(M) and Qmax is the form closure of Q on C1b(M). The corresponding operators, AD and Amax, generate semigroups having standard hypercontractivity properties in the scale of Lp spaces, p>1, when the corresponding form, Q, satisfies a logarithmic Sobolev inequality. It was shown by the author (1999, Acta Math.182, 159–206) that the semigroup e−tAD has even stronger hypercontractivity properties when restricted to certain holomorphic subspaces of Lp. These results are extended here to Amax. When (M, g...