AbstractThe unital AM-spaces (AM-spaces with strong order unit) CDw(X) are introduced and studied in [Y.A. Abramovich, A.W. Wickstead, Remarkable classes of unital AM-spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 180 (1993) 398–411] for quasi-Stonean spaces X without isolated points. The isometries between these spaces are studied in [Y.A. Abramovich, A.W. Wickstead, A Banach–Stone theorem for new class of Banach spaces, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 45 (1996) 709–720]. In this paper for a compact Hausdorff space X we give a description of the Kakutani–Krein compact Hausdorff space of CDw(X) in terms of X×{0,1}. This construction is motivated from the Alexandroff Duplicate of X, which we employ to give a description of the isometries between these spaces. Under so...