Systems biology of ion channels and transporters in tumor angiogenesis: An omics view

  • Munaron, L.
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Publication date
October 2015
Elsevier B.V.
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AbstractSolid tumors require the formation of new blood vessels to support their growth, invasiveness and metastatic potential. Tumor neovascularization is achieved by vasculogenesis from endothelial precursors and by sprouting angiogenesis from preexisting vessels. The complex sequence of events driving these processes, including endothelial activation, proliferation, migration and differentiation, is associated with fluxes of ions, water and other small molecules mediated by a great pool of ion channels and transporters (ICT). This ‘transportome’ is regulated by environmental factors as well as intracellular signaling molecules. In turn, ICT play a prominent role in the response to angiogenesis-related stimuli through canonical and ‘uncon...

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