AbstractLet M be an n × n real matrix, and let Exy be the elementary matrix with 1 in the (x, y) position and zero elsewhere. For z ϵ C we call the matrix M + zExy an elementary matrix perturbation of M. Let Λ be any eigenvalue of M. Then there exists an (x, y) pair, 1 ⩽ x, y ⩽ n, and an analytic function hxy(z) defined in a neighborhood N of the origin such that: (a) hxy(0) = Λ. (b) hxy(z) is an eigenvalue of the elementary matrix perturbation M + zk(Λ)Exy for any z ϵ N, where k(Λ) is the dimension of the largest block containing Λ in the Jordan canonical form of M. (c) For any z ϵ N, z ≠ 0, M + zExy has k(Λ) distinct eigenvalues, all different from Λ. If Λ(z) is any one of these, then |Λ − λ(z)| = O(|z|1k(Λ)). (d) For any z ϵ N,z ≠ 0, M +...