AbstractA one-way preset Turing machine with base L is a nondeterministic on-line Turing machine with one working tape preset to a member of L. FINITEREVERSAL(L) (FINITEVISIT (L)) is the class of languages accepted by one-way preset Turing machines with bases in L which are limited to a finite number of reversals (visits). For any full semiAFL L, FINITEREVERSAL (L) is the closure of L under homomorphic replication or, equivalently, the closure of L under iteration of controls on linear context-free grammars while FINITEVISIT (L) is the result of applying controls from L to absolutely parallel grammars or, equivalently, the closure of L under deterministic two-way finite state transductions. If L is a full AFL with L ≠ FINITEVISIT(L), then F...