A new type of mass analyzer is described, which allows low-resolution axial ion ejection to be obtained from a traveling wave based, stacked ring collision cell. Linking this ejection temporally with the scanning of the second quadrupole of a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer provides an improvement in sampling duty cycle, which results in significant signal intensity improvements for scanning acquisitions such as product ion spectra. A near 100% storage efficiency is enabled by a split cell design, which allows ion fragmentation and accumulation to be performed in one section of the collision cell whilst previously accumulated ions are simultaneously ejected from the rear of the cell. These characteristics combine to give an m/z-dependen...
AbstractA new interface between atmosphere and high vacuum has been developed for orthogonal injecti...
International audienceTwo quadrupole ion traps are used to carry out a mass spectrometer. The first ...
This thesis summarizes the construction and characterization of a novel hybrid mass spectrometer wi...
A new type of mass analyzer is described, which allows low-resolution axial ion ejection to be obtai...
AbstractCO+ and N2+ are separated with resolution of 11,000 [full width half maximum (FWHM)] using a...
The thesis describes an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer system with a quadrupole opera...
AbstractA new tandem mass spectrometer of the quadrupole-acceleration lens-deceleration lens-quadrup...
AbstractThe transmission efficiency of precursor and product ions decreases significantly at lower c...
The quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) has over 30 years of spaceflight heritage in making important...
The present contribution describes analogies and differences between the quadrupolar ion trap (QIT) ...
Theoretical aspects of ion separation in imperfect fields of the quadrupole mass analyzer operating ...
Dynamic CID of selected precursor ions is achieved by the application of a two-frequency excitation ...
Amongst the various classes of mass analyzers, the quadrupole ion trap (QIT) is by far the most vers...
A new interface system that consists of an ion decelerator, a floating collision cell—chemical ioniz...
A new method for application of quadrupolar excitation to the trapped ion cell of a Fourier transfor...
AbstractA new interface between atmosphere and high vacuum has been developed for orthogonal injecti...
International audienceTwo quadrupole ion traps are used to carry out a mass spectrometer. The first ...
This thesis summarizes the construction and characterization of a novel hybrid mass spectrometer wi...
A new type of mass analyzer is described, which allows low-resolution axial ion ejection to be obtai...
AbstractCO+ and N2+ are separated with resolution of 11,000 [full width half maximum (FWHM)] using a...
The thesis describes an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer system with a quadrupole opera...
AbstractA new tandem mass spectrometer of the quadrupole-acceleration lens-deceleration lens-quadrup...
AbstractThe transmission efficiency of precursor and product ions decreases significantly at lower c...
The quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) has over 30 years of spaceflight heritage in making important...
The present contribution describes analogies and differences between the quadrupolar ion trap (QIT) ...
Theoretical aspects of ion separation in imperfect fields of the quadrupole mass analyzer operating ...
Dynamic CID of selected precursor ions is achieved by the application of a two-frequency excitation ...
Amongst the various classes of mass analyzers, the quadrupole ion trap (QIT) is by far the most vers...
A new interface system that consists of an ion decelerator, a floating collision cell—chemical ioniz...
A new method for application of quadrupolar excitation to the trapped ion cell of a Fourier transfor...
AbstractA new interface between atmosphere and high vacuum has been developed for orthogonal injecti...
International audienceTwo quadrupole ion traps are used to carry out a mass spectrometer. The first ...
This thesis summarizes the construction and characterization of a novel hybrid mass spectrometer wi...