AbstractThis paper presents the test results under quasi-static and impact loadings for a series of aluminum honeycombs (3003 and 5052 alloys) of different cell sizes, showing significantly different enhancements of the crushing pressure between 3003 honeycombs and the 5052 ones. A comprehensive numerical investigation with rate insensitive constitutive laws is also performed to model the experimental results for different cell size/wall thickness/base material, which suggests that honeycomb crushing pressure enhancement under impact loading is mostly due to a structural effect.Such simulated tests provide detailed local information such as stress and strain fields (in the cell wall) during the whole crushing process of honeycombs. A larger...
The mechanical behavior of aluminum honeycombs subjected to quasi-static combined compression-shear...
AbstractIn this paper, a numerical virtual model of honeycomb specimen as a small structure is used ...
International audienceThis paper presents an experimental study of the compressive response of hexag...
AbstractThis paper presents the test results under quasi-static and impact loadings for a series of ...
International audienceThis paper presents the test results under quasi-static and impact loadings fo...
AbstractThis paper presents a combined shear-compression impact test for soft cellular materials des...
The out-of-plane crushing behaviour of aluminium hexagonal honeycombs containing different percentag...
In recent years, study involving aluminium honeycomb has grown rapidly. This is due to the propertie...
Crush behavior of aluminum honeycombs has been experimentally investigated. First, the quasi-static ...
The out-of-plane crushing behaviour of four types of aluminium hexagonal honeycombs was extensively ...
AbstractThis paper presents a comprehensive study of the lateral compressive response of hexagonal h...
The out-of-plane crushing behaviour of aluminium hexagonal honeycombs containing different percentag...
The out-of-plane crushing behaviour of aluminium hexagonal honeycombs containing different percentag...
In this paper, aluminumhexagonal honeycombs are experimentally studied for their mechanical behavior...
Aluminum honeycombs are lightweight and have good energy absorption capability. They are widely used...
The mechanical behavior of aluminum honeycombs subjected to quasi-static combined compression-shear...
AbstractIn this paper, a numerical virtual model of honeycomb specimen as a small structure is used ...
International audienceThis paper presents an experimental study of the compressive response of hexag...
AbstractThis paper presents the test results under quasi-static and impact loadings for a series of ...
International audienceThis paper presents the test results under quasi-static and impact loadings fo...
AbstractThis paper presents a combined shear-compression impact test for soft cellular materials des...
The out-of-plane crushing behaviour of aluminium hexagonal honeycombs containing different percentag...
In recent years, study involving aluminium honeycomb has grown rapidly. This is due to the propertie...
Crush behavior of aluminum honeycombs has been experimentally investigated. First, the quasi-static ...
The out-of-plane crushing behaviour of four types of aluminium hexagonal honeycombs was extensively ...
AbstractThis paper presents a comprehensive study of the lateral compressive response of hexagonal h...
The out-of-plane crushing behaviour of aluminium hexagonal honeycombs containing different percentag...
The out-of-plane crushing behaviour of aluminium hexagonal honeycombs containing different percentag...
In this paper, aluminumhexagonal honeycombs are experimentally studied for their mechanical behavior...
Aluminum honeycombs are lightweight and have good energy absorption capability. They are widely used...
The mechanical behavior of aluminum honeycombs subjected to quasi-static combined compression-shear...
AbstractIn this paper, a numerical virtual model of honeycomb specimen as a small structure is used ...
International audienceThis paper presents an experimental study of the compressive response of hexag...