AbstractOur main interest in this paper is further investigation of the concept of (PL) fibrators (introduced by Daverman [R.J. Daverman, PL maps with manifold fibers, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 45 (1992) 180–192]), in a slightly different PL setting. Namely, we are interested in manifolds that can detect approximate fibrations in the new setting. The main results state that every orientable, special (a new class of manifolds that we introduce) PL n-manifold with non-trivial first homology group is a fibrator in the new category, if it is a codimension-2 fibrator (Theorem 8.2) or has a non-cyclic fundamental group (Theorem 8.4). We show that all closed, orientable surface S with χ(S)<0 are fibrators in the new category