AbstractBousquet-Mélou and Petkovšek investigated the generating functions of multivariate linear recurrences with constant coefficients. We will give a reinterpretation of their results by means of division theorems for formal power series, which clarifies the structural background and provides short, conceptual proofs. In addition, extending the division to the context of differential operators, the case of recurrences with polynomial coefficients can be treated in an analogous way
The central feature of this study is to provide an exposition on the introduction to linear recurren...
AbstractWe investigate when the sequence of binomial coefficients (ki) modulo a prime p, for a fixed...
In this paper we apply multistep recurrence relations, as one of very simple and useful mathematical...
Abstract. Bousquet-Mélou and Petkovˇsek investigated the generating functions of multivariate linear...
AbstractBousquet-Mélou and Petkovšek investigated the generating functions of multivariate linear re...
AbstractWhile in the univariate case solutions of linear recurrences with constant coefficients have...
While in the univariate case solutions of linear recurrences with constant coefficients have rationa...
A linear recurrence is a linear operator which maps rn into rn-1, where (rn) is a (recursive) sequen...
In the following chapter we address the techniques for the resolution of some celebrated recurrence ...
We consider Problem 6.94 posed in the book Concrete Mathematics by Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik, and...
Recurrence sequences are of great intrinsic interest and have been a central part of number theory f...
AbstractWe relate sequences generated by recurrences with polynomial coefficients to interleaving an...
AbstractThis note employs path counting techniques to extend recent results on bounds for odd order ...
International audienceWe study the complexity of computing one or several terms (not necessarily con...
The purpose of this thesis is to study a class of power series, which we call Mahlerian, solutions t...
The central feature of this study is to provide an exposition on the introduction to linear recurren...
AbstractWe investigate when the sequence of binomial coefficients (ki) modulo a prime p, for a fixed...
In this paper we apply multistep recurrence relations, as one of very simple and useful mathematical...
Abstract. Bousquet-Mélou and Petkovˇsek investigated the generating functions of multivariate linear...
AbstractBousquet-Mélou and Petkovšek investigated the generating functions of multivariate linear re...
AbstractWhile in the univariate case solutions of linear recurrences with constant coefficients have...
While in the univariate case solutions of linear recurrences with constant coefficients have rationa...
A linear recurrence is a linear operator which maps rn into rn-1, where (rn) is a (recursive) sequen...
In the following chapter we address the techniques for the resolution of some celebrated recurrence ...
We consider Problem 6.94 posed in the book Concrete Mathematics by Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik, and...
Recurrence sequences are of great intrinsic interest and have been a central part of number theory f...
AbstractWe relate sequences generated by recurrences with polynomial coefficients to interleaving an...
AbstractThis note employs path counting techniques to extend recent results on bounds for odd order ...
International audienceWe study the complexity of computing one or several terms (not necessarily con...
The purpose of this thesis is to study a class of power series, which we call Mahlerian, solutions t...
The central feature of this study is to provide an exposition on the introduction to linear recurren...
AbstractWe investigate when the sequence of binomial coefficients (ki) modulo a prime p, for a fixed...
In this paper we apply multistep recurrence relations, as one of very simple and useful mathematical...