AbstractPharaonis phoborhodopsin (ppR, or pharaonis sensory rhodopsin II, NpsRII) is a sensor for the negative phototaxis of Natronomonas (Natronobacterium) pharaonis. Arginine 72 of ppR corresponds to Arg-82 of bacteriorhodopsin, which is a highly conserved residue among microbial rhodopsins. Using various Arg-72 ppR mutants, we obtained the following results: 1), Arg-72ppR together possibly with Asp-193 influenced the pKa of the counterion of the protonated Schiff base. 2), The M-rise became approximately four times faster than the wild-type. 3), Illumination causes proton uptake and release, and the pH profiles of the sequence of these two proton movements were different between R72A mutant and the wild-type; it is inferred that Arg-72 c...