AbstractA fundamental notion in metric graph theory is that of the interval function I:V×V→2V−{0̸} of a (finite) connected graph G=(V,E), where I(u,v)={w∣d(u,w)+d(w,v)=d(u,v)} is the interval between u and v. An obvious question is whether I can be characterized in a nice way amongst all functions F:V×V→2V−{0̸}. This was done in [L. Nebeský, A characterization of the interval function of a connected graph, Czechoslovak Math. J. 44 (119) (1994) 173–178; L. Nebeský, Characterizing the interval function of a connected graph, Math. Bohem. 123 (1998) 137–144; L. Nebeský, The interval function of a connected graph and a characterization of geodetic graph, Math. Bohem. 126 (2001) 247–254] by axioms in terms of properties of the functions F. The au...