Depth dependence of the perturbing effect of placing a bulky group (oxazolidine ring spin labels) in the membrane on the membrane phase transition

  • Wisniewska, Anna
  • Nishimoto, Yuko
  • Hyde, James S
  • Kusumi, Akihiro
  • Subczynski, Witold K
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Publication date
January 1996
Published by Elsevier B.V.
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AbstractElectron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and differential scanning calorimetry (I)SO have been used to study the effect on the phase transition of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine membranes of incorporating various stearic acid spin labels (SASL's) that contain the bulky oxazolidine ring at various positions along the stearyl chain. SASL's lowered the phase transition temperature and decreased the size of the cooperative unit, with the effects stronger in the order of 9-> 12-> 5-> 16-SASL > stearic acid (no label). Incorporation of stearic acid without the spin label slightly increases the phase transition temperature. Incorporation of 9-SASL (3 mol% of lipid) decreased the transition temperature by 1.8C and the cooperative unit to 115 o...

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