AbstractWe give a complete structure description of (P5,gem)-free graphs. By the results of a related paper, this implies bounded clique width for this graph class. Hereby, as usual, the P5 is the induced path with five vertices a,b,c,d,e and four edges ab,bc,cd,de, and the gem consists of a P4 a,b,c,d with edges ab,bc,cd plus a universal vertex e adjacent to a,b,c,d
For a graph $G$, $\chi(G)$ $(\omega(G))$ denote its chromatic (clique) number. A $P_5$ is the chordl...
Let $G$ be a graph. We use $\chi(G)$ and $\omega(G)$ to denote the chromatic number and clique numbe...
AbstractIn this paper we consider the class of simple graphs defined by excluding, as induced subgra...
AbstractIt is well known that the clique-width of chordal gem-free graphs (also known as ptolemaic g...
AbstractA graph is (P5,gem)-free, when it does not contain P5 (an induced path with five vertices) o...
AbstractUsing the concept of prime graphs and modular decomposition of graphs, we give a complete st...
AbstractWe give a O(nm) time algorithm for the maximum weight stable set (MWS) problem on P5- and co...
International audienceA graph is (P5,gem)-free, when it does not contain P5 (an induced path with fi...
A graph is H-free if it has no induced subgraph isomorphic to H. Brandstädt, Engelfriet, Le and Lozi...
AbstractHoàng defined the P4-sparse graphs as the graphs where every set of five vertices induces at...
A graph is (P5,gem)-free, when it does not contain P5 (an induced path with five vertices) or a gem ...
Given two graphs H1 and H2, a graph G is (H1,H2)-free if it contains no subgraph isomorphic to H1 or...
We give a new, stronger proof that there are only finitely many $k$-vertex-critical ($P_5$,~gem)-fre...
Given two graphs H1 and H2, a graph G is (H1,H2)-free if it contains no subgraph isomorphic to H1 or...
We present a class of (diamond, even hole)-free graphs with no clique cutset that has unbounded rank...
For a graph $G$, $\chi(G)$ $(\omega(G))$ denote its chromatic (clique) number. A $P_5$ is the chordl...
Let $G$ be a graph. We use $\chi(G)$ and $\omega(G)$ to denote the chromatic number and clique numbe...
AbstractIn this paper we consider the class of simple graphs defined by excluding, as induced subgra...
AbstractIt is well known that the clique-width of chordal gem-free graphs (also known as ptolemaic g...
AbstractA graph is (P5,gem)-free, when it does not contain P5 (an induced path with five vertices) o...
AbstractUsing the concept of prime graphs and modular decomposition of graphs, we give a complete st...
AbstractWe give a O(nm) time algorithm for the maximum weight stable set (MWS) problem on P5- and co...
International audienceA graph is (P5,gem)-free, when it does not contain P5 (an induced path with fi...
A graph is H-free if it has no induced subgraph isomorphic to H. Brandstädt, Engelfriet, Le and Lozi...
AbstractHoàng defined the P4-sparse graphs as the graphs where every set of five vertices induces at...
A graph is (P5,gem)-free, when it does not contain P5 (an induced path with five vertices) or a gem ...
Given two graphs H1 and H2, a graph G is (H1,H2)-free if it contains no subgraph isomorphic to H1 or...
We give a new, stronger proof that there are only finitely many $k$-vertex-critical ($P_5$,~gem)-fre...
Given two graphs H1 and H2, a graph G is (H1,H2)-free if it contains no subgraph isomorphic to H1 or...
We present a class of (diamond, even hole)-free graphs with no clique cutset that has unbounded rank...
For a graph $G$, $\chi(G)$ $(\omega(G))$ denote its chromatic (clique) number. A $P_5$ is the chordl...
Let $G$ be a graph. We use $\chi(G)$ and $\omega(G)$ to denote the chromatic number and clique numbe...
AbstractIn this paper we consider the class of simple graphs defined by excluding, as induced subgra...