Protease gene structure and env gene variability of the AIDS virus

  • Yasunaga, Teruo
  • Sagata, Noriyuki
  • Ikawa, Yoji
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Publication date
April 1986
Published by Elsevier B.V.
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AbstractThe protease gene structure and the env gene variability have been precisely compared between the AIDS virus and members of the HTLV/BLV family. The conserved amino acid sequence (LVDT) which is repeated in the proteases of the HTLV/BLV family is not repeated in AIDS virus. Comparative analysis of the env gene sequences reveals the striking fact that the env gene of AIDS virus is 8–12-times more variable than those of the HTLV/BLV family. Within the AIDS virus env gene, the surface glycoprotein region is more liable to vary than is the transmembrane region; unexpectedly, however, this liability is not a characteristic feature of the AIDS virus because it is more prominent in other retroviruses including members of the HTLV/BLV famil...

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