AbstractWe consider systems of unitary operators on the complex Hilbert spaceL2(Rn) of the form U≔UDA,Tv1,…,Tvn≔{DmTl1v1…Tlnvn:m,l1,…,ln∈Z}, whereDAis the unitary operator corresponding to dilation by ann×nreal invertible matrixAandTv1,…,Tvnare the unitary operators corresponding to translations by the vectors in a basis {v1,…,vn} for Rn. Orthonormal waveletsψare vectors inL2(Rn) which are complete wandering vectors for U in the sense that {Uψ:U∈U} is an orthonormal basis forL2(Rn). It has recently been established that wheneverAhas the property that all of its eigenvalues have absolute values strictly greater than one (the expansive case) then U has orthonormal wavelets. The purpose of this paper is to determine when two (n+1)-tuples of th...