A reappraisal of the taxonomic relationships of the southern African tree, Beilschmiedia natalensis J.H. Ross, proved it to be wrongly placed in the genus Beilschmiedia Nees. Its mature fruit is completely covered by the accrescent hypanthium, whereas Beilschmiedia (and the tribe Perseeae) is characterized by a completely deciduous perianth. Since it does not fit well with any of the existing lauraceous genera, a new genus, Dahlgrenodendron J.J.M. v.d. Merwe & Van Wyk, and new combination, D. natalense (J.H. Ross) J.J.M. v.d. Merwe & Van Wyk, are proposed. The pollen is most distinctive and decidedly different from anything known in Lauraceae. Grains are free, radially symmetrical, para-isopolar, ± spindle-shaped prolate (when dry), atreme,...
The Campanulaceae: Wahlenbergioideae currently comprises 15 genera, one of which, Wahlenbergia, is w...
Ornithogalum britteniae F.M. Leight. ex Oberm., described in 1978 and until now only known from the ...
Phylogenetic relationships among 122 species of Lauraceae representing 44 of the 55 currently recogn...
A reappraisal of the taxonomic relationships of the southern African tree, Beilschmiedia natalensis ...
New species are described in Beilschmiedia (4), Cinnamomum (2),Cryptocarya (44 + one new variety), E...
A phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear ITS and plastid trnK intron sequences confirms that Dahlgre...
Colubrina nicholsonii Van Wyk & Schrire, a scandent shrub or lax tree endemic to the sandstone regio...
A new species, Barleria greenii M-J. & K. Balkwill, from Natal, southern Africa, is described. Distr...
In the genus Actinodaphtie Nees one new combination and one new species ace presented; in LAndera Th...
New species are described in Actinodaphne (2), Beilschmiedia (1), Cinnamomum(14), Endiamdra (20), Li...
A new species of Lobostemon Lehm. (Boraginaceae), placed in the section Grandiflori Levyns, is descr...
Endlicheria Nees (non Presl) in Linnaea 8 (1833), p. 37; id., Progr. (1833), p. 16; id., Syst. (1836...
A taxonomic account is given of the genus Allocassine N. Robson (Cassinoideae, Celastraceae). Alloca...
Robsonodendron R.H. Archer, a new woody genus endemic to southern Africa, is described. Its two spec...
The genus Buchenroedera Eckl. & Zeyh. is subdivided into two sections, Racemosa and Buchenroedera. S...
The Campanulaceae: Wahlenbergioideae currently comprises 15 genera, one of which, Wahlenbergia, is w...
Ornithogalum britteniae F.M. Leight. ex Oberm., described in 1978 and until now only known from the ...
Phylogenetic relationships among 122 species of Lauraceae representing 44 of the 55 currently recogn...
A reappraisal of the taxonomic relationships of the southern African tree, Beilschmiedia natalensis ...
New species are described in Beilschmiedia (4), Cinnamomum (2),Cryptocarya (44 + one new variety), E...
A phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear ITS and plastid trnK intron sequences confirms that Dahlgre...
Colubrina nicholsonii Van Wyk & Schrire, a scandent shrub or lax tree endemic to the sandstone regio...
A new species, Barleria greenii M-J. & K. Balkwill, from Natal, southern Africa, is described. Distr...
In the genus Actinodaphtie Nees one new combination and one new species ace presented; in LAndera Th...
New species are described in Actinodaphne (2), Beilschmiedia (1), Cinnamomum(14), Endiamdra (20), Li...
A new species of Lobostemon Lehm. (Boraginaceae), placed in the section Grandiflori Levyns, is descr...
Endlicheria Nees (non Presl) in Linnaea 8 (1833), p. 37; id., Progr. (1833), p. 16; id., Syst. (1836...
A taxonomic account is given of the genus Allocassine N. Robson (Cassinoideae, Celastraceae). Alloca...
Robsonodendron R.H. Archer, a new woody genus endemic to southern Africa, is described. Its two spec...
The genus Buchenroedera Eckl. & Zeyh. is subdivided into two sections, Racemosa and Buchenroedera. S...
The Campanulaceae: Wahlenbergioideae currently comprises 15 genera, one of which, Wahlenbergia, is w...
Ornithogalum britteniae F.M. Leight. ex Oberm., described in 1978 and until now only known from the ...
Phylogenetic relationships among 122 species of Lauraceae representing 44 of the 55 currently recogn...