Friends with Benefits and Psychological Wellbeing

  • García, Herenia
  • Soriano, Encarnación
  • Arriaza, Gilberto
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Publication date
May 2014
The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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AbstractThis article is a descriptive study on the emotional wellbeing of individuals involved in casual sexual relations, labeled as friends with benefits. The size was 119 adults. An online survey, approved by a local, peer-review panel, was used to collect data. To explore how participants felt in this type of relationship, the instrument was organized in a total of ten categories – five positive (happy, desired, satisfied, adventurer, excited), - five negative (empty, confused, used, clumsy, deceived) Participants could select one or several categories as an answer. Overall, positive emotions were selected significantly more than negative ones, and women made up the majority of positive responses

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