AbstractThis paper investigates the matrix equation Am = dl + λJ, where A is a rational circulant. Here d and λ are rational numbers, I is the identity matrix, and J is the matrix with every entry equal to 1. A necessary and sufficient condition is given for the existence of matrices satisfying this equation. Also, it is shown that there is no nontrivial solution if entries of A are restricted to take only values 0 and 1
AbstractLet g and n be positive integers and let k = n(g, n)(gm, n). If θ(x) is a multiple of Σi = 0...
AbstractLet H be a Hadamard Circulant matrix of order n=4h2 where h>1 is an odd positive integer wit...
AbstractIn this paper conditions are derived for the existence of a common solution X to the matrix ...
AbstractThis paper investigates the matrix equation Am = dl + λJ, where A is a rational circulant. H...
AbstractThis paper investigates the matrix equation A2=dI+λJ, where A is a rational circulant. Here ...
AbstractWe find a general criterion for an n by n integral g-circulant matrix to have all entries in...
AbstractIn this paper, we will study the h-circulants which satisfy the matrix equation Am = λJ of n...
AbstractFor any given complex n×n matrix A and any polynomial p with complex coefficients, methods t...
AbstractLet α be a rational number and m a positive integer. In this paper it is determined which of...
AbstractLet A be a given n × n matrix with rational entries and irreducible characteristic polynomia...
AbstractGiven a 2×2 matrix A and two column vectors x and y, with all entries rational, the question...
AbstractEarlier results by Marshall Hall on integral completions of matrices satisfying orthogonalit...
AbstractThe determinant of the circulant matrix whose first row is a0, a1,…, an−1 is a homogeneous p...
AbstractUnmixed solutions of the matrix equation XDX+XA+AX*−C=0, D⩾0 are studied
AbstractResults are derived on rational solutions to AAT = B, where B is integral and A need not be ...
AbstractLet g and n be positive integers and let k = n(g, n)(gm, n). If θ(x) is a multiple of Σi = 0...
AbstractLet H be a Hadamard Circulant matrix of order n=4h2 where h>1 is an odd positive integer wit...
AbstractIn this paper conditions are derived for the existence of a common solution X to the matrix ...
AbstractThis paper investigates the matrix equation Am = dl + λJ, where A is a rational circulant. H...
AbstractThis paper investigates the matrix equation A2=dI+λJ, where A is a rational circulant. Here ...
AbstractWe find a general criterion for an n by n integral g-circulant matrix to have all entries in...
AbstractIn this paper, we will study the h-circulants which satisfy the matrix equation Am = λJ of n...
AbstractFor any given complex n×n matrix A and any polynomial p with complex coefficients, methods t...
AbstractLet α be a rational number and m a positive integer. In this paper it is determined which of...
AbstractLet A be a given n × n matrix with rational entries and irreducible characteristic polynomia...
AbstractGiven a 2×2 matrix A and two column vectors x and y, with all entries rational, the question...
AbstractEarlier results by Marshall Hall on integral completions of matrices satisfying orthogonalit...
AbstractThe determinant of the circulant matrix whose first row is a0, a1,…, an−1 is a homogeneous p...
AbstractUnmixed solutions of the matrix equation XDX+XA+AX*−C=0, D⩾0 are studied
AbstractResults are derived on rational solutions to AAT = B, where B is integral and A need not be ...
AbstractLet g and n be positive integers and let k = n(g, n)(gm, n). If θ(x) is a multiple of Σi = 0...
AbstractLet H be a Hadamard Circulant matrix of order n=4h2 where h>1 is an odd positive integer wit...
AbstractIn this paper conditions are derived for the existence of a common solution X to the matrix ...