Scattered over the miles and miles of South African veldt are the farmers living in their quiet homes. The farmer is a cheerful and friendly host to all strangers and travelers, but he must also be a hardworking father to build up, and keep his home going regardless of the hard times caused by drought, locusts and new diseases
Perhaps the McLaughlins are in one of your classes. They are taking courses here this quarter to hel...
With war conditions accelerating the demands for graduates in most fields of home economics, the sta...
Fields of endeavor open to home economics graduates have widened year by year since domestic econom...
Down in the Orange Free State in the Union of South Africa an Iowa State graduate in foods and nutri...
Lenore Higley Neethling, who was graduated from Iowa State College in the class of 1924, has written...
Rhodesia-no, you\u27re wrong-it\u27s not the name of a new cheese, it\u27s a country in Africa, a Br...
Mrs. Edgar Vestal, \u2732, tells of her work as head of the Home Economics Department at the Allahab...
Kau Blouzio in the language of the natives of Liberia, Africa, means first-born woman of her mother...
Senior dietetics classes of Iowa State College are willing to do their share in helping the farmer n...
In Africa women are learning to improve conditions in home and village. This month Amelia Caulker, s...
Recent Graduates Qualify for Varied Positions, page 3 Students Train for Future, page 4 Residence Ha...
Editor\u27s Note: Lest we forget that not all home economics work is done in high schools and colleg...
Never has there been a greater need for women trained in home economics, says Josephine Aher
Home economists of the post war world will have a tremendous job of rehabilitation in every phase of...
Homemaking is an excellent example of science with practice. Is home economics training in college...
Perhaps the McLaughlins are in one of your classes. They are taking courses here this quarter to hel...
With war conditions accelerating the demands for graduates in most fields of home economics, the sta...
Fields of endeavor open to home economics graduates have widened year by year since domestic econom...
Down in the Orange Free State in the Union of South Africa an Iowa State graduate in foods and nutri...
Lenore Higley Neethling, who was graduated from Iowa State College in the class of 1924, has written...
Rhodesia-no, you\u27re wrong-it\u27s not the name of a new cheese, it\u27s a country in Africa, a Br...
Mrs. Edgar Vestal, \u2732, tells of her work as head of the Home Economics Department at the Allahab...
Kau Blouzio in the language of the natives of Liberia, Africa, means first-born woman of her mother...
Senior dietetics classes of Iowa State College are willing to do their share in helping the farmer n...
In Africa women are learning to improve conditions in home and village. This month Amelia Caulker, s...
Recent Graduates Qualify for Varied Positions, page 3 Students Train for Future, page 4 Residence Ha...
Editor\u27s Note: Lest we forget that not all home economics work is done in high schools and colleg...
Never has there been a greater need for women trained in home economics, says Josephine Aher
Home economists of the post war world will have a tremendous job of rehabilitation in every phase of...
Homemaking is an excellent example of science with practice. Is home economics training in college...
Perhaps the McLaughlins are in one of your classes. They are taking courses here this quarter to hel...
With war conditions accelerating the demands for graduates in most fields of home economics, the sta...
Fields of endeavor open to home economics graduates have widened year by year since domestic econom...