Na području općine Sv. Petar Orehovec 1995. godine podignut je pokusni hmeljarnik s ciljem utvrđivanja mogućnosti pokretanja proizvodnje hmelja u edafskim i klimatskim uvjetima potkalničkog kraja. U pokus su uvrštena četiri kultivara hmelja: Aurora, Savinjski Golding, Bobek i Hallertau Magnum. Razlike između kultivara glede uroda šišarica u sve tri godine uzgoja (1995-1997) nisu bile statistički opravdane. U trećoj godini uzgoja (1997), ujedno i godini pune rodnosti, najveći urod alfa kiselina ostvaren je s kultivarom Hallertau Magnum (233.0 kg/ha alfa kiselina u 1997), a najmanji s kultivarom Savinjski Golding (46.2 kg/ha čistih alfa kiselina). Analiza kvalitete hmelja provedena je metodom tekuće kromatografije visokog pritiska (HPLC). Naj...
The article covers information on the preliminary results of breeding work carried out in the Chuvas...
The aim of the study was to assess the yield of cones and the quality of six hop varieties (“Iunga”,...
Between the years 2011 and 2022, the Czech hop varieties Agnus, Rubín, Vital, Gaia and Boomerang wer...
Na području općine Sv. Petar Orehovec 1995. godine podignut je pokusni hmeljarnik s ciljem utvrđivan...
Hops have been cultivated in Lithuania since ancient times, most often in farmsteads brought from na...
Hops has been grown in Saaz region for 700 years. The first written mention about local hop garden c...
Chuvashia has long been the main hop producer in the Soviet Union. Today, the Tsivilsky district of ...
Hop differs from other agricultural plants in view of the fact that it is a perennial plant. It can ...
In this thesis, "The Evaluation of the Quality of Hops from Traditional and Non-traditional Growing ...
Namen raziskave je bil določiti botanično pristnost hmelja (Humulus lupulus L.). Z analizo vsebnosti...
The aim of this thesis was to determine content of - a -bitter acids in samples of hop obtained from...
This thesis deals with growing hops technology, its use, the use of elicitation and herbal products ...
Na Inštitutu za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije v Žalcu (IHPS) smo v letu 2014 prenesli divje g...
The impact of climate change on the production and quality of hops Humulus lupulus will depend on fu...
V diplomskem delu avtorica predstavi potek in razvoj hmeljarske dejavnosti v vasi Prekopa. Hmeljarst...
The article covers information on the preliminary results of breeding work carried out in the Chuvas...
The aim of the study was to assess the yield of cones and the quality of six hop varieties (“Iunga”,...
Between the years 2011 and 2022, the Czech hop varieties Agnus, Rubín, Vital, Gaia and Boomerang wer...
Na području općine Sv. Petar Orehovec 1995. godine podignut je pokusni hmeljarnik s ciljem utvrđivan...
Hops have been cultivated in Lithuania since ancient times, most often in farmsteads brought from na...
Hops has been grown in Saaz region for 700 years. The first written mention about local hop garden c...
Chuvashia has long been the main hop producer in the Soviet Union. Today, the Tsivilsky district of ...
Hop differs from other agricultural plants in view of the fact that it is a perennial plant. It can ...
In this thesis, "The Evaluation of the Quality of Hops from Traditional and Non-traditional Growing ...
Namen raziskave je bil določiti botanično pristnost hmelja (Humulus lupulus L.). Z analizo vsebnosti...
The aim of this thesis was to determine content of - a -bitter acids in samples of hop obtained from...
This thesis deals with growing hops technology, its use, the use of elicitation and herbal products ...
Na Inštitutu za hmeljarstvo in pivovarstvo Slovenije v Žalcu (IHPS) smo v letu 2014 prenesli divje g...
The impact of climate change on the production and quality of hops Humulus lupulus will depend on fu...
V diplomskem delu avtorica predstavi potek in razvoj hmeljarske dejavnosti v vasi Prekopa. Hmeljarst...
The article covers information on the preliminary results of breeding work carried out in the Chuvas...
The aim of the study was to assess the yield of cones and the quality of six hop varieties (“Iunga”,...
Between the years 2011 and 2022, the Czech hop varieties Agnus, Rubín, Vital, Gaia and Boomerang wer...