Ovčarska proizvodnja je tradicionalna privredna grana u Bugarskoj. Broj ovaca u Bugarskoj se kretao oko 10 000 000 grla od čega je na proizvodne ovce otpadalo oko 6 000 000 grla. Najveći dio ovčarske proizvodnje, cca 65%, odvijao se u okviru društvenog i drzavnog sektora. U razdoblju od 1986. do 1992. godine dolazi do znatnog smanjenja ovčjeg fonda, tako da je na kraju tog razdoblja pao na 4. 524. 900 grla. u 1989. god. zabilježen je porast broja ovaca na privatnim gospodarstvima od 29% , no time nije nadomješten gubitak izazvan smanjenjem u okviru državnog sektora. Proizvodnja janjećeg mesa u Bugarskoj u 1985. iznosila je 106 149 tona od čega je 40,24% proizvedeno na privatnim gospodarstvima, udio zaklane janjadi je iznosio 80% u odnosu na...
Modern beef production in intensive rearing conditions imposes a need for constant improvement of pr...
A present state in a cattle production in our country has been analyzed in this paper, with a specia...
Number of heads of cattle in the last 11 years is constantly decreasing. In this period, number of c...
The paper describes the state of the livestock production in the Republic of Serbia including prelim...
Ovčarska proizvodnja u lzraelu je zasnovana na populaciji od cca 300 000 grla, a odvija se u okviru ...
Proizvodnja ovčjeg i kozjeg mlijeka u svijetu procjenjuje se na 20,6 milijuna tona, od toga na ovčje...
Budući oplemenjivački zahvati s ciljem poboljšanja proizvodnje ovčjeg mlijeka u BIH ovisiti će o kv...
Research on milk production traits of Balkan goats was carried out on 445 lactation records from 118...
U Hrvatskoj se ovce uzgajaju stoljećima, a genetsko bogatstvo ovčarstva temelji se na velikom broju ...
In the last decades, old production technology used on farms on mountain of Stara planina was the re...
In this paper the review of sheep feeding in traditional animal production in Montenegro is describe...
The production of milk in a sheep breed households was 128.05 kg, with variations between 123.14 and...
Despite the very favorable natural conditions, animal breeding in Serbia are still looking for a way...
Milk production trends tend to rise, however due to market demands and the living standard of the po...
Lamb production dominates in organic sheep production, while milk production is much less present a...
Modern beef production in intensive rearing conditions imposes a need for constant improvement of pr...
A present state in a cattle production in our country has been analyzed in this paper, with a specia...
Number of heads of cattle in the last 11 years is constantly decreasing. In this period, number of c...
The paper describes the state of the livestock production in the Republic of Serbia including prelim...
Ovčarska proizvodnja u lzraelu je zasnovana na populaciji od cca 300 000 grla, a odvija se u okviru ...
Proizvodnja ovčjeg i kozjeg mlijeka u svijetu procjenjuje se na 20,6 milijuna tona, od toga na ovčje...
Budući oplemenjivački zahvati s ciljem poboljšanja proizvodnje ovčjeg mlijeka u BIH ovisiti će o kv...
Research on milk production traits of Balkan goats was carried out on 445 lactation records from 118...
U Hrvatskoj se ovce uzgajaju stoljećima, a genetsko bogatstvo ovčarstva temelji se na velikom broju ...
In the last decades, old production technology used on farms on mountain of Stara planina was the re...
In this paper the review of sheep feeding in traditional animal production in Montenegro is describe...
The production of milk in a sheep breed households was 128.05 kg, with variations between 123.14 and...
Despite the very favorable natural conditions, animal breeding in Serbia are still looking for a way...
Milk production trends tend to rise, however due to market demands and the living standard of the po...
Lamb production dominates in organic sheep production, while milk production is much less present a...
Modern beef production in intensive rearing conditions imposes a need for constant improvement of pr...
A present state in a cattle production in our country has been analyzed in this paper, with a specia...
Number of heads of cattle in the last 11 years is constantly decreasing. In this period, number of c...